Designer's (in Tim Gunn's voice) Thank you for all the amazing logo submission's! I'm really excited about this process and greatly appreciate everyone's hard work. I feel bad that everyone can't win. I guess I experience this when I submit a design for a cabinetry project... :)
If possible I would like to see all the ranked designs on a grayish back-ground. Again the color of my vehicles. Also, please remember to include the tag line in the design. For those who may find it beneficial to see some of my work please visit the following link: realize that "CabinteryGreen" would inevitably attract the color green in the design, which is good. I'm wondering if there might be another color to add to it besides black, dark gray or a different shade of green..? You guys are the experts so maybe its a bad idea. Just a thought...
Not that I want to use this logo's style, but I find it to be really well done. It could maybe be used for inspiration. Its also a company in my network group.. One last thought. Maybe a design where there CabinetryGreen is encompassed by something. Skeem has the only design like this. Honestly I'm torn between it and the others. Any different ideas in this direction?
Again, thank you...