CabinetryGreenLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / CabinetryGreen

CabinetryGreen has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 173 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.


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#40- Thank you for the submission. What if the outer ring, which looks like a sun, was yellow-orange? I do like where the emblem is going... :) The font is just ok for me, actually its the "g" I don't like. I do like how you have colored "Eco-Friendly" in the tag line.
16 years ago
#50/53- The fonts are much better, but too thick. The yellow-orange probably wasn't the best idea on my part. You're original icon color was fine. So one of the primary criteria that I am using to judge these designs is how well they will stand out going by on a truck. I the way this icon stands it might be too busy. What if the outer "sun" was removed all together? And what if the icon looked more like a sphere with a "glare" and the shadow at the base?

#51- The leaves protruding out of the icon don't appeal to me. The interlocking squares do. Is there a way to make the squares look like a "C" and "G" interlocking? The font here is good. Maybe try making "Cabinetry" green colored..? Thank you for the creativity!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback... much appreciated! I'll revise the designs and submit asap.

16 years ago
#74- Absolutely beautiful!
16 years ago
104- There's no boubt that your designs are really cool! The question I am now asking is how well each entry represents "cabinet building". If you remove the company name and tag will the logo give an indication of what the company does.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Fair point! To be honest with you, I was concentrating too much on "Green" giving an indication that your company is "environmentally green". Looking at the higher ranked designs, I would say none of them give an indication of what your company actually does.
Before designing, I used to be a cabinet maker. Our furniture was made from 100% oak, our logo was of a squirrel holding an acorn. We were a very well established company, but take away the company name and tag no one would have guessed what we produced. Take a look at some of the world wide known companies and their logo, how many of them, just by looking at the logo, would you be able to tell what the company actually does? You see my point?
I think you want a distinctive mark that is easily recognisable rather than a blatant image of furniture...!?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#104 - Although it does not give the indication of what your company does, it gives an indication that your company is eco-friendly and artistic, which is what I tried to interpret by using the the leaves encompassing the globe!
15 years ago
Believe me I have been studying logo's for the past week and you are absolutely right; most logo's don't say a thing about what the company does. I also think that a lot of these company's have a bottomless pit of advertising dollars to make what ever logo they choose "recognizable". This is the hardest thing I have had to deal with in some time!

So about your #133- this is pretty cool. Simple and to the point. The colors look a lot like those of speedlogo's though... :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I wouldn't like to be in your shoes trying to decide on a logo that is right for your company, especially with so many very good designs to choose from. :)

The colours can easily be changed, no probs! Looks like we both used the same colour palette.
15 years ago
#162- better colors. could you make the leaves smaller. please.
15 years ago
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