Thank you. From your brief I can figure this is a logo for your product. Hardware part products usually have a simple yet characterized logo to make it easy to read, memorable, easy applied in the package and promotional item, and maybe engraved in the product it self. Let me know if you have any info.
Greetings. We have just awarded the contest to your entry as pictured above (entry #13). Would it be possible for you to upload the files immediately, so that we can finish our ad layout project before the weekend in the U.S.?
We'd really appreciate it. Also, please ensure that the final file package include a version of the logo in an .eps format.
Thanks, and please contact me with questions, concerns.
Mark Halloran Marketing Communications Manager Bal Seal Engineering, Inc. 19650 Pauling Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 P: 949 460-2187 | M: 949-441-8399 | W: