What's your assignment?
What We Do
It's a non-profit org that helps people to discover, align and fulfill their unique destiny or assignment around the world i.e. charity to the poor, elderly, human trafficking, ministry to various people groups and nations etc.
Color Preferences
Blue: primary color (global or international)
Green, Red, Yellow: far secondary
Yellow/Gold: Color that make the 3 center image pop
OK with grey, black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
1. Primarily: image of 3 to pop (Trinity, equipping model around 3D perspective i.e. Discover your Design and align to your Destiny or assignment) empowering others and being empowered.
2. Global or international i.e. globe, primarily in China or SE Asia & USA
3. Logo that looks empowering and professional and inspiring. Looking to use logo for the 3D model equipping.
4. Non-profit for empowering people on their unique assignments ex: poor, elderly, start businesses, human trafficking, starting consulting businesses and other organizations.
5. Look good in one or two colors for T-shirts and marketing pieces.