Arthus & CoLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Arthus & Co

Arthus & Co has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 175 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

What We Do
Online store selling baby (0 - 2 years old) clothing, as well as a few childcare accessories (nappy bags, baby bottles...)
Color Preferences
We are open to all color propositions
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please visit for a few photos of example products we will sell. ### ALL RELATIVELY DISTINCT ENTRIES WILL BE RANKED ###


Order by
Entry Number

































































1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >



Many thanks to everyone for this first round of entries. My wife and I just got back and it's already very late here. We will rank and provide feedback first thing tomorrow morning.

Kind Regards,

15 years ago
Hello to all,

For this first round of entries, we will use the general message board so everyone can benefit from the initial comments. We will start using the individual designer comment boards once we get to more specific tweaks.

Just a few general comments to everyone:

- The company name is Arthus and Co, not Arthus and Company
- We like the use of lowercase, with the A and C uppercase
- We like the . after Co => Arthus and Co.
- We like when the & Co. is smaller than Arthus
- Now that we've seen a few colors, we don't want any dominant green, brown or purple. You CAN use a small touch of these colors, but not predominantly as in #10 , #16 , #17 or #21
- Please stick with all white background, as this is what we will have for the website
- Preference so far in terms of font is serif or sans-serif, with script font ranking last, but this is not fixed in stone though, we are still open to any proposals

On to more specific comments in ranking order....

#9 : We like the little tag idea, and the panda is very cute. We prefer a red more "vibrant", brighter though. And perhaps experience a bit more with the font (choice of font and placement).

#16 : We like the font and the use of 2 different shades of color. But we don't want predominant green, and we don't like the little ghost (?) / little character

#10 : We like the reflection effect on the font and the idea of a pictorial inside a circle. We don't like the color, too much on the purple side. We don't want the font all caps (see general font comments at top of post) and in this design it's just a little too bold. As far as the pictorial itself, my wife felt like it is too "twisted" / winding / "tortuous".

#17 : Overall, it has a nice and elegant feel. We like the font. But no black background please, and no butterfly either. No purple also ;-)

#18 : We dont like the clothes hanging. And no color background please.

#11 / #12 / #13 / #14 / #15 : We like the font in #11, #12 and #15 and the overall nice and elegant feeling. However, the cube or balloon image is just too classical / commonplace / "cliché". Also, the colors are too much "pastel" / not bright / full enough.

#2 / #5 / #8 : we like the font in #2, the positioning of text relative to the pictorial and the use of a smaller font for the & Co. However, the safety pin image does not work for us. Remember one of the points we want to communicate is "comfortable / cozy". Finally, in #2, the color is too "serious", not bright and playful enough. In #5 and #8, we don't like the "movement" on the font, it is too agressive. Also, do not write out "Company", just "Co."

#3 / #21 / #22 / #23 : It is too complicated and the pictorial has more of a grown up child look rather than baby (the clothes will be for babies 0 - 2 years old). We want something "softer" for the pictorial (the tree has a bit of a "halloween" / scary feeling), and also simpler. As far as the font: it is a bit too bold, we don't like the border effect on the font and the fact that the letters are turned in different directions. Overall, we'd say simpler is better.

#24 : we like the font and the use of smaller letters for "& Co.". The overall drawing quality is very good and the elephant shivering / scared is very funny but unfortunately, it does not work for us. We want something more "securing" and perhaps use a different animal like a bear and make him look happy, not cold ;-)

#6 and #7 : #6 feels more like a dating website for children ;-) and #7 is too "peace and love". Overall, both are too far from the subject.

#20 : we don't like the font, it is too "techno". We don't like the hands either.

#1 : we don't like the font. It doesn't feel "soft enough" and has a bit of a "messy" feeling. We want something a bit more elegant. Also, I guess now that we're seeing it, a "pure" wordmark is a bit too simple, overall we like the use of a small pictorial, even if very simple.

#19 : The bear is a good idea, but we don't liek this particular one for some reason. The overall feeling is a bit too old-fashioned and not classy enough. Also, see general font comments at the top of this post.

#4 : we like the idea of the angel wings, but the overall feeling is too messy. Too many colors mixed in the font, and the font itself does not work (see general font comments at the top of this post). Also, the alien / teletubby character does not work at all.

Again, many thanks to everyone for this great start and variety of entries !

Kind regards,


PS: my wife did the ranking and will probably be the one to post comments from now on.
15 years ago
Comment to Tyler / admins: why do the numbers with more than 1 digit in it come out all broken up in two ? Small bug in ereg_replace or something similar maybe ? Thank you.

Kind Regards,

15 years ago
Small general comment for everyone: please keep the background ALL WHITE. Thank you !
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello CH

It looks like you been using space between the numbers, but I got the same when I tried it out.

apple.b :)
15 years ago
Hello to all!

I'm David'wife.... you'll recognize me because of my english which is not as good as my husband's ;-))

Anyway, thanks a lot for all your designs.

There are some specific comments in ranking order...

#9 #38 #39 #40 and #41 : My favourites now are #38 and # 40. I think David will mostly like #40 , because we can see much better "Arthus & Co.". Could you try tu use the font of the #40 in the #38 ?

#48 #49 #50 #51 : Ok, now my favourite is #51 ... I love the idea of the grass and the little flowers... Good idea!!! Is it possible to add some colours now (green grass for example, some colours for the flowers, and maybe "Arthus & Co." in a colour that will make it more vibrant...)

#30 #33 #44 #46 : We still love the #30 , but is it possible to make it on a white background? and could you another one in the same style, but with a sun? For the other designs, we don't like the hanging clothes. We prefer something more subtle...

#47 : The bear is not strong enough... Maybe because of the colour... and we were looking for a bigger bear, a big and sweet bear we want to hug!

#52 #53 : We like the idea of the cartoon in the cercle, but the bear is not elegant enough and too cartoon style. Also, we like the font of the #53, but we prefer that "Arthus & Co." is in one colour only.

#27 : we don't like the clothes... too simple, not elegant enough, and we can't see clearly the name of the shop.

Many thanks again for your creative work.

Best regards,


15 years ago

Many thanks to everyone for all the fantastic work and number of options.

My wife and I will be away until tomorrow. We have printed all the entries and will review and do our thinking. We will rank and provide feedback tomorrow.

In the meantime, we wish a great week-end to all.

Kind regards,

-David & Catherine
15 years ago
Dear designers,

My wife has just made designer specific comments on the top designs which are all along the bear theme. Just so everyone knows (we've said this individually to almost all of you working on this contest but just in case new peopel pop in), Arthus is the name of our 5 month old son and, in its Celtic origin, means "bear". This is why my wife clicked on it when one of the designers started with a bear. We now have some very good quality bear designs.

However, it might be interesting to see some other ideas (nothing too obvious like the clothes hanging though), so feel free to think out of the box and submit new ideas. Maybe also going with simpler designs might give us another perspective.

Thank you very much !

Kind regards,


15 years ago
Dear designers,

Some of you may wonder "what the hell" ? Yes, there's been a landslide over the week-end, and we apologize for this. My wife and I were seducted by the bear concept with the whole Arthus meaning "bear" in Celtic.... but the market contradicted our taste.

Over the week-end and this morning, we've conducted a survey with about 25 moms among our friends and business associates, both in person and via Facebook, but all were in our target demographics. There's been an overwhelming (over 80%) response that determined the ranking as it currently stands: design #98 in first position. Though we were set on the whole cute bear idea, in the end we'll be there to make money with a baby clothing online store, and we have to go with what our potential clients say over our own preference....

Again, our sincerest apologies for this... There are 2 days left in the contest (an extension is highly unlikely due to lack of time on our end), so feel free to submit new ideas.

Kind regards,

-David & Catherine
14 years ago
Dear designers,

First and foremost, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has participated !!! We are amazed at the quantity and quality of logos this contest has generated. So much so, that we decided to end it a bit early as it is getting a bit overwhelming... I can't even imagine how other CH's are dealing with 300 - 400 entries, not to mention that vodka contest which received over 1900 a while back !!

In any case, this has been lots of fun for us, and some of you may hear from us via PM in the future as we eventually plan (not right away though) to create our own clothing line with original designs, on top of selling some already established brands.

I'll try to leave individual messages to the designers to whom we haven't had time to respond over the next few days. I really apologize to those who haven't heard at all from us, it's just a really busy period for us right now.

We're going to conduct one final poll with the top 20 logos, just to be sure... and we'll definitely announce the winner before the end of the 7 day judging period.

Again, thank you so much for everyone's positive attitude, hard work and creativity and hope you've enjoyed this as much as we have !

Kind regards,

-David & Catherine
14 years ago
Well, "that's all folks !"... We're very happy to have found our logo, and at the same time a bit sad that it's over and wish everybody could win ! One final time, thanks so much for everyone's fantastic work. Other than our winner Jeff / offbeatdesign, we'd like to extend special thanks to the designers who have worked so hard with us:

- Nat / TahiaDesign
- Julian / husk
- Dave / The Fatkid
- sachii
- Yavuz / ysonmez
- cranberryblue
- Ilkay

I'll probably be back in the future, either for new ventures of our own, or just for regular clients setting up their business.

Keep up the great spirit everyone, it's what makes this site so great !

All the best,

-David & Catherine
14 years ago
Oh.... and don't be afraid to post your own feedback to let us know if there is anything we can do better as CH's on the next one. Feedback is welcome for us too... ;-)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
you two did a great job through out the entire competition. I wouldn't change a thing. It would be nice if all CH's were this involved in their competitions.

Thanks and good luck to you in the new company venture.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Great Contest, great CHs. SO much fun, Thanks!

14 years ago
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