WüfferLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Wüffer
Wüffer has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 94 designs
from 13 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Wüffer is a communications program and product for dogs. Our target audience is initially US–based: Our consumer market includes Millennials and GenX (25–54), dog owners, married or single, with or without children, enjoy board games and home activities, active lifestyle. Secondarily, they may include dog trainer, service dog trainers, etc.
Color Preferences
Muted earth tones: violet, moss, ochre, sunset gold, grey/black. Also must work as a one–color black or white screen for product.
Hex Colors
Hex Colors
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Use of the umlaut ( ¨ ) in the design element
Showing communication link between pet and owner
The concept of "serious fun." The training consists of a game to be played by dog and owner that teaches language/communications fundamentals
The concept of communication between human and animal is an important consideration.
Showing communication link between pet and owner
The concept of "serious fun." The training consists of a game to be played by dog and owner that teaches language/communications fundamentals
The concept of communication between human and animal is an important consideration.