


identity pack , letter head envelope etc.

company identity
this term mingles a lot with the term brand identity. various parties state that a company's identity is all of the company's physical attributes such as color, design, writing, etc.
many sources state that corporate identity consists of 3 parts:
- visual / design (logo, uniform, color)
- communication (advertising, public relations, etc.)
- behavior (corporate values, company culture, etc.)


  • Business Cards
  • Letterhead
  • Envelopes
  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Youtube Covers.
$250 + fees
1-2 Days turnaround

bussines card template

=Business cards or business cards are given to other parties as a sign of formal or semi-formal introduction. With this business card, someone is expected to be able to remember the name of the individual or company associated with the business card. Information about the company or maybe companies and professionals you can get through business cards. Indeed on a business card is usually about information about the giver and the company that works. On business cards exchanged with addresses or numbers, contacts can be contacted at any time. If the business card you received is a company name card, the company name and logo will be printed on the card


  • bussines card template vector design
$65 + fees
More than a week turnaround

poster template

Poster or placard is a work of art or graphic design that contains images and letters on large or small paper. Its application is affixed to a wall or other flat surface with attention seeking properties


  • poster
  • information
  • promotion
$130 + fees
1-2 Days turnaround

Roll up banner template stand banner promotion sales promotion advertising

Roll Up Banner

As the name suggests, a curled banner is a type of banner whose users are pulled from the bottom of the header. This banner type contains a promotional display


  • roll banner
  • stand
  • promotion
$150 + fees
More than a week turnaround

banner tour vector

banner is a promotional media that contains a message or news that becomes information for the general public and also becomes a promotional language for trading that will attract consumers to recognize an advertised product


  • banner
  • vector
  • tour
$180 + fees
1-2 Days turnaround

t shirt logo e sport , mascott logo design vector

T-shirt or also called T-shirt is a type of clothing that covers part of the arm, entire chest, shoulders, and abdomen. A T-shirt typically do not have buttons, collar, or pocket.


  • t shirt
  • e sport
  • mascot
$180 + fees
More than a week turnaround

sticker logo design clip art and icon

An icon is a sign that represents a source of reference through a form of replication, simulation, imitation, or equation. A sign is designed to present a reference source through simulations or equations


  • sticker
  • logo
  • icon
$50 + fees
1-2 Days turnaround

packaging template design vector

Product packaging or packaging will be crucial for sales and product competitiveness in the market. Unique and attractive product packaging gives a positive impression on the brand and product quality.


  • packaging
  • template
  • design
$120 + fees
1-2 Days turnaround

illustration vector design template

Graphic Design focuses on graphic design for the purposes of Desktop Publishing, Digital Illustration, Digital Imaging


  • illustration
  • flat
  • vector
$170 + fees
1-2 Days turnaround

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