Active Captain's contest is also a good example of why Logo Tournament is fair to both sides:
Contest Holders AND the Designers.
Moderators-who-are-also-Designers participated in the Active Captain contest, and my one posted comment on that contest (which you can see here: ) was not removed by Moderators because it was obviously not deemed disruptive or inappropriate.
My comment was a question that gets asked every week here on logo tournament.
A Moderator tried to assuage Active Captain with a comment right on his own contest (again, see the comment by Moderator SpeedLogo: ) but instead Active Captain took it personally and into the Forums where it got completely blown out of proportion.
I feel that Logo Tournament worked in this example because it let both parties (Contest Holder AND Designer) have their say, the Moderators saw all the comments and made their judgment and I know that if I had said something that wasn't true it would have been removed immediately because there were at least 2 well known Moderators following those threads and posting designs in that Contest.
In the end Active Captain got the logo they wanted anyways, and for my own benefit I got a cool logo out of it that, while it did not even rank, I still get compliments on and will stay in my Portfolio.