The blue-gray color schemes tone down the harsh, loud, visually heavy black seen in the original versions, which makes the logo more approachable and friendly. The color still has enough strength to stand on its own or at small sizes, even though it is lighter and more subtle than the other versions.
Blue and orange are complementary colors that work nicely with contrast and vibrancy. The blue is still dark enough that it doesn't correlate directly with the idea of "zone 2," so the focus is still on zone 4.
This is a possible version using the slogan as a removable piece of the logo mark. Having the slogan outside allows you to remove it when the logo needs to appear somewhere small, or where the slogan isn't necessary. The half-gray border also adds some dimension and interest.
Big and bold; I was focusing on making a clean logo, to emphasize the focus on the brand (and reflecting the focus necessary in a work-out), to be easily distinguished and recognized. The box-border is a literal representation of a zone, and the orange four draws a lot of attention with the color in contrast to the black, which, again, focuses on the actual goal of getting into that zone 4. Hope you like it! Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!
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