#19 I can picture on a hangtag or on the web. Colour choices not bad but look a little muddy somehow. It's also very . . . monumental, which I don't think fits the playfulness of some of our products. Maybe try some typefaces with more energy/movement in them, or introduce some kind of pattern onto this one (maybe something floral or botanical?).
Also, the small type doesn't read at all on black and is barely visible on the white ground in#16.
#17 the sunrise is interesting although my initial reaction is that it probably represents a farm product or health food, not fashion items. Possibly could try this in some different colours?
Many thanks for the submissions. Look forward to seeing what else you can do.
Hi, thanks for the new entries. I wonder if you could try #27 with a slightly curvier font, maybe a chunkier version of the one used in #25?
I also would like to see what #27 looks like with the pattern extending upward more on the type, maybe fading out slightly toward the upper limits. Somehow, I am finding the contrast a little stark. Maybe you could start with the more intense shade in #26 and fades toward the tones in #27.
Still wouldn't mind seeing some sort of pattern on #19.
#25 is clever but I'm just not fond of that pastel rainbow look. I think it might look better with the line of type centered under Zizi or it will be a little longer and extend more to the left if you add the s to Designs.
Good morning. Thanks for the new variations and also for working several concepts at once.
#51 is very nice and pretty much what i had in mind when I first suggested the floral pattern for #19. Now several designers are working the same idea. I also like #52, seems refreshing after looking at a lot of black backgrounds. However, I think Accessories from Africa on #52 does not read well. Maybe needs slightly stronger font or larger pt size, or stronger colour, but that would affect everything so maybe just hold that thought until we are farther along in the contest. You guys work so hard, don't want to give you lots of extra work unless you just feel inspired to do it.
#53 I don't like as much but still it is an interesting concept and different from what I had thought of or waht others have come up with. I wonder if you could work on the botanical/jungly theme and consider making the Zizi curvier but still sans serif font and eye-poppingly green (leaves and stem of the plant), culminating in the blossom (colours could be tweaked later). As things evolve, it could become a very strong design, just feel you need to go for it all the way.
Hi, thanks for coming back in with your latest entries. #147 & #148 are lovely and fresh and just what i had in mind with the previous feedback. I liked how you used the font's elements to join up with the flower. I think I might prefer a more vibrant green, though, and the D overlapping the Zizi makes the word Designs difficult to read. The position of the flower in #145 & #146 is unnatural--these are grown for export just up the road in Malindi.
#149-#153 are more ornate than I had in mind--sorry. But I do like the way you've coloured the print on the Zizi in #151. something you could use for a variation on #51 or #52?
thank you. i was under the impression you were trying to avoid cliche african themes, so i had been intentionally using colors other than the standard black/red/green combination. i'll do some versions of #51 using colors the same colors from #151. this is going to be difficult for you to pick a winner with all the great work that has been done!
Hi, I really like #192, it's fresh and pretty on the white background, and the change of typeface makes the smaller lines easier to read. Thanks for the new take!