We do like the font in your entries, the colour of #2 is nice. The symbol attached to #2 is new to us and don`t give us the feeling we are looking for. Thanks for nice first-entries.
Thank you for the feedback, I'll try to develop the right logo mark for you. I've just uploaded new entry #17 - please let me know if this is a good direction.
Entry #17 are interessting, the colour are nice. The emblem in entry #17 draws attention and I like it. The emblem in entry #19 and #20 are too obvious. Maybe the X could have a different font than reid. The logo should be innovative and invite to experience.
Im not sure which assosiations the emblem in #17 gives, but it just keept our attention. I believe the symetri between the two fonts in #24, #25 and #26 are a bit odd. The X could be rougher, like rocks, and the reid could be with a really minimalistic font!
We will be activated by logotournament again in short time. We like #60, but the colors in #59 are even better. The letter X in #60 could be even rougher, maybe a bit jagged. But not bolder. The font in reid is smooth.
Absolutely - I'm sorry for the delay, I'll send you a few new concepts and variations right in the morning. It's midnight here in Scotland now :) I hope that's ok with you :)
#110 is really good! Is it possible to make the green line "not so smooth and elegant"? This is just a small correction needed and not to much, but we would love to see it less smooth and playful.
Much better on the mountains, would love to see some variations one the font, perhaps thinner like the one in #58. See also general feedback hints on moving forward and in adiition running..
So fare you are the onlye one that has captured both the moutains and the hardangervidda part of the race. The mountains are very "alpine" in style, I have posted a link to a wiki on Gaustatoppen, which is the mountain that will be the finish for our 160k race. Would love if you could reshape the mountain to more "Gaustatoppen"ish...if you understand.
Sure, I know what you mean. I've just uploaded one more version with the Gaustatoppen mountain: #252
The "moving forward" part is represented by the green path which is also an arrow. I'll also play with different fonts and upload some new variations soon.
We really like the font and colors in #317, but not the emblem in #317. Is it possible to add a mountain instead? We are not sure which mountain we prefer the most, but the mountain in #319 is close, but not balanced enough. Thanks!
We still like the font in #317 very good! The mountain in #329 is still a bit too complex. The simplicity in logo #317 actually appeal us. We would really like you too work with a new emblem, but keep the font like #317.
#397 and #398 are not necessary better, it's just I like them more because the mountains are not that overwhelming as #393. As you said before, those are not Alps and the #393 indicates that the mountains are quite high. That's why I think #397 and #398 might work better for you - we can keep the same shape and look, but keep the a little bit lower.
But generally speaking - this is a logo and the mountains here are more like a symbol and I think they don't need to be exactly as in reality. :)
A request if we may, what would #393 look like if you:
1) Had the same colours but increased the with of the X to the same as the REID characters? 2) Changed the colour and width of the X to the same as the REID characters?
We really like your design #402 and deux`s design! We cant pick a winner, but will let 10 people vote during this evening and pick the winner tomorrow morning. Thanks for all your variations, we are having heartproblems now and cant imagine how you guys stand this out day after day!
Is it possible to send us an file of the logo without the emblem too? We will sometimes use the logo with the emblem and sometimes only the font. Hope you dont mind!