I like the concept to this. The 2 I would welcome should be a different color to contrast from the "xo". And do you have another idea besides the globe, maybe a world map, with lighted major city destinations.
I am liking the idea that you presented. It clearly defines that the brand reachs all spectrums, as a light hearted brand but also one that infuses everyone around the planet as a place of unite. I also like the green theme as we like to stay green in this eco shifting world that we live in.
Hi Robbert. I was wondering if you can make some modifications to this.
Try removing the "connecting the planet" theme since I may cross use this logo.
And enlarging the trade name.
Can you try to make the "(" or the arch as we call it above the name into a blue color (try a sky blue color or which ever color scheme you deem favorable).
And modify the "2" into a yellow color.
I want to try and see if this color scheme works better.
Thank you for your numerous entries. It is a lot to absorb from yesterday.
With #59 I like this concept a lot. Seems to give the logo a lot of harmony, yet also a lot of punch to it. I think everything needs to sink in within the next couple of days to fully grasp your concepts.
Thank you for your numerous concepts. I have combed through the designs and I like what I've seen, and have asked the opinion of your designs. They seem to like the designs and some of the colors that you've combined but it doesn't seem refined enough. As in it doesn't seem to pop with the colors. So I am looking at evaluating what you have submitted and going from there.
On a side note I know you put in a lot of effort into this. And welcome the dedication. If you do win, or do not win I was wondering if you have any experience in web design. If you do we can talk about extending this beyond this logo competition with compensation of course.