I like this very much. It is an interesting concept that bridges the xo to the xo. For the first "o" can you make a something like a flat map behind the o. Or another concept.
Thank you for this concept. I like the concept a lot as it is very clean, and refined. I was wondering if you had another idea in terms of color scheme for the xo2xo. It would liven the image quite a bit.
That logo looks great. The colors, the logo, everything seems to pop out to the user. I have to hold judgement till the contest ends; but I can say to you that you done an excellent job conveying what I want to display.
Thank you for this concept. I was wondering if you may try different colors with this. I've received feedback that the grey in this doesn't help the design. It makes the design seem fairly weak.
Thank you for all your recent color choices. There are a lot of choices to choose from. I'm in the process of choosing between designs that have a globe, or a more refined design that does not have a globe.