Entry #132 and #131 very interesting take on the logo - use of the backround and foreground was nicely used. now if you can look at the top design i have ranked thus far and incorperate that into your style im sure we will see some very unique and interesting designs. looking forward to seeing your concepts.
Entry #150 & Entry #149 Nice try on coming up with a personel unique design.I see the subtle additons to your new concepts however i dont think these will be able to be added to the current ranking. Dont give keep designing new concepts.
I will give you points on uniqueness. I think thats why i keep providing feedback as im sure you are bound to come up with something by the end of this contest. Now commenting on Entry #202 Its too similar in looks to IES or on quick glance IRS so may have to pass on that. Entry #201 Seems at little bit too raw. However rework some ideas and take a look at the current top ranked entries for inspiration and fuse that with your particular style . your bound to come up with something outstanding. thank you