here's mine.No colour or anything else other than purely looking at typographic whys of work with xes of course if any strike a chord then further development will be needed.
Entry #70 Was very eye catching. Keep reworking your concepts and show me what you can come up with. as far as the E wanted it to be more linear as opposed to it being tilted. Keep up the great work we may have something herer.
thanks here's another development of the version you like. I have also started to think about pimping it up a little. but i'll see if there's any more treatments that might be good too
Entry #124 By far you have seem to get the idea of custom designing the fonts and really you are coming up with some unique and great designs. on #124 the e however may have to be reworked , may have to make some slant cuts on the ends of it to balance out with the direction the X is going. Not sure i would have to see. also keep giving some concepts i would go with your ideas and show some to me. im sure you are allready looking at some of the designs i ranked so if any thing catches your fancy feel free to incorperate those ideas as well. keep up the good work.
here's another idea that I was working on but felt that the X now became a Y (yes enter...) however looking at it again I figured that the lower right hand part of the first diagonal of the X could be re gained by making a cut to the E as shown in the entry below. That is why its important to show this version as it gives rationale to the next version. I still locked onto the lowest part of the E producing the negative part of the lower bowl of the S. however I try now to look at other ways of contrasting the letterform shapes after that then the bling can come!
Entry #146 Very Bold and eyecatching you may have to tweak the E a little . wish there were markup tools for this site so i could make visual notations but left side of the e is cramped may have to extend the S over to give the E a little bit more room to breathe. but not sure i would have to see it . keep up the good work.
Thanks for the new designs Entry #191 You may have to give some meat to the logo at the top and bottom of it similar to Entry #124 and also on the E and S , see if you bring the S the left side of it into the E so that way the E tips on the left will follow the S. sounds confusing let me know if you need me to explain further . damn i wish this site had drawing markup tools. or the ability to up load pics on my end .
oh also free to let me see your color versions too.
Hey marzy thanks for the changes , we are getting close to the end and your concept will be in the preliminaries for when i start to do eliminations starting thursday.
With that said in regards to the logo 146 , 191, 258 are the ones that i would like for you to take a look at and see if there is any variation on the e that you can think of still sticking with those designs but slightly changing the E. not sure what you can come up with as we have done alot of work to it but with that said being that we are getting to the finals i just want to perfect the the logo as it will be judged against the other topped ranked ones so now we just have to refine the look. let me know if you have questions that need to be answered before doing it . other than that do your thing.
Hello its angel just checking in to see if you were still participating and if you had anything up your sleeve to submit before the end of the contest on monday. good luck and thanks again.