Thanks! These are really nice designs. The lighthouse image is a bit too "traditional" for our tastes, but you've got the right idea - an iconic brand symbol that can stand on it's own.
As far as colors, now that we've seen designs with golds (the flame) and red / orange, it is clearer to us that these colors are not what we're going for - they seem to lean the design in the direction of traditional/conservative. While our community is conservative, our church is rather progressive (contemporary worship, casual dress and atmosphere). A more modern color palate would be best.
Watching your video give me more inspiration about color, and my entry #21 is my revision design for my last entry. I hope you like it too. I'm very open for feed back.
Thanks! The color palate is better - more modern. We like that.
The only problem with the lighthouse is that we have a church just down the street from us called "Lighthouse Baptist" - unfortunately, we're afraid this might create "brand confusion" in our community.
The font might be a bit too conservative. Something sans serif might be better. Check out the font used for the new website we are building (the font on the menus and in page content - not in the logo, which is our current logo and just there as a placeholder):