Just some variations in color on this idea. I can easily add the text to any of these. If you would like to see a different color, or anything at all, please let me know.
Thanks for adding the new designs. We will look at these with more consideration. Interesting with the mountain in the background! Is there anyway to add black to it?
Like #25, 17 best.
Can we try #25 with black outline where the olive is (just on the inside of the border of gold)?
We really like what you have posted so far!!! Thank you! This is what we would like to see in revisions.
#26 & #25 Can we see a black outline around the gold part of the star? With everything else the same. #26 Can we see a black outline around the gold part of the star and the olive green border around the whole logo, both the thin inner one and the thick outer one, changed to black. We love the gradiating color change on both of those! #26 & #25 Can we see the star flipped one point counterclockwise? #26 & #25 Can we see the green in a more evergreen/forest green color? #25 Can we see the thin green inner border around the whole logo in black? #11 Can we see the star with a black center and keep the gold outline? Can we see a black outline around the gold star? #13 Can we see the green inside the star in a more evergreen/forest green color? #13 Can we see a black outline on the outside of the gold border around the star? Can we see this with the current green star and the more evergreen/forest green star? #13 Can we see a black outline between the green star and the gold border? Can we see this with the current green star and the more evergreen/forest green star?
This is #25 with the black outline around the gold part of the star. If I misunderstood anything as I build the variations you listed or if you want to see things like a thicker border and so on, please let me know. It's no trouble at all changing them.
Hello, Thank you, I really like the gradients in these as well. This is #26 with the black outline around the gold part of the star and the olive green border around the whole logo changed to black.
On this one I may have misunderstood. I rotated the star counterclockwise 1 point. Please let me know if this wasn't what you had in mind. This one is #25.
One more I thought of was showing you the cluster in evergreen. This is #13 with the evergreen star, black border between the gold and green and the cluster in evergreen.
#25 & #26 in more vibrant colors. Same colors just more vibrant. We want the logo to pop more. Not sure how else to explain. Let me know if there is any other way to explain it to you.
#25 & #26 with the mountains green and the sky gold and in more vibrant colors, to pop more.
#58 & #60 in a darker...evergreen/forest...green. To us, the green that you changed it to is kelly green--grass color. We want darker like...a deep dark christmas tree. Sorry for the confusion.
#54 with the thin green border changed to black (like #61)?
#54 Then once we see that change (the above) as is, will you also do one with the star rotated one point counterclockwise?
The way you flipped the star was exactly how we requested. Thanks.
# 65 with the center gold star changed to green
#64 with the laurel leaves darker and more vibrant green
#64 with the laurel leaves darker and a slightly thicker gold border around star
#64 with the laurel leaves darker and a green border between the gold outer boarder of the star and the black center star
#71 with a darker, more vibrant green in the center of the star
Once again, THANKS for submitting your logos. We look forward to see the revisions.
Thanks for the great feedback. I understand what you mean by more vibrant color and kelly green vs a dark Christmas tree green. Sorry for any confusion, and it's normal and no trouble at all to take a few revisions to get exactly on the same page. I'll get to work on these now.
This is #25 in more vibrant colors. I increased the yellow/orange tones in the gold for a more vibrant, warmer look. I used the color code for "#2 Evergreen" for the green, so I hope that's closer now.
We like #83, #82. The color seems a little too yellowy.
#82 On the star, can we see a black outline between the green and gold, and as a thin border around the star?
#82 Can we see a thin black border on the outermost part of the star and a thin black border on the inside of the green border surrounding the whole logo?
#61 Can we see a thin black border on the outermost part of the star?
This one is #71 with darker leaves and a brighter gold and stems.
I think I got them all, but please let me know if I didn't. If the green isn't what you were thinking yet, it's no trouble to try others as well..just let me know.
I wasn't sure where to put the thin black border on the inside of the green edge as there are actually two green borders around this one, so I did two. This one has the black border inside the out most green one.