Wine Biz RadioLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Wine Biz Radio

Wine Biz Radio has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 105 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.
















































Logo Designer
Here is one from me....Thanks, D

(This comment references Entry #9)
15 years ago
Finally! Someone who gets what I'm looking for!

I would simplify the headphones even more, they don't need any of the highlights you have in there. They look like you traced the photo to some extent, which is good.

The wine glass styling is OK but not great, I'd prefer something more like what Nancy has in her "wineglass as microphone" concept. The pulses above the wine glass are OK as well, not sure if I'd prefer that the bowl of the wine glass be larger, and perhaps the pulses would be coming out of the sides of the headphones (like the earcups of the headphones were vibrating).

I'd also like to see the wine glass with headphones treatment without the stem on the wine glass.

Thanks very much!
15 years ago
Entry #10

Typeface seems wrong to me, but I'll keep it up here because I may warm up to it.

Same feedback applies for the icon as for Entry #9. Love that it's actually the concept I asked for, just needs tweaking to get it where I think I'd like it to be.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback... Here is a revision for you...

(This comment references Entry #11)
15 years ago
Entry #12

I do like the new wine glass, but it seems out of proportion now with everything else. Perhaps trying a stemless wine glass and reducing the thickness of the "earpads" (as it were) so that the bowl of the wine glass can scale better without having to distort the headphone shape.

Headphones have simplified nicely, I actually like the white bar between the earcups.

I've been paying so much attention to the icon, I've neglected to mention the type. I'd like to see a heavier stroke, and keep experimenting with sans serif styles, it doesn't HAVE to be Trebuchet. Finally, the "R A D I O" spread out doesn't have such appeal to me.

15 years ago
Entry #13

Still having scale issues with the wine glass, it's just too small. Don't be afraid to scale it such that the sides of the glass are obscured by the earpads. If there needs to be whitespace between the glass and the earcup, perhaps the wineglass can lose the battle and be cropped somehow.

In a separate by related thread, a colleague whom I was showing off all this cool Logo Tournament stuff took one look at Entry #12 and #13 and stated that "if you squint your eyes, the icon looks like a panda bear's face" (the earcups are the black patches over the eyes, the wine in the glass is the nose, and especially on #12, the stem is the mouth). Try it, you'll see what he's saying. He also said that the pulses over the earcups are too large and heavy, and accentuate the panda-bear-face rendering. I am inclined to agree that they could be scaled down, thinned up and spread out a bit more.

Either that, or go back to exploring the pulses above the wine glass, or even inside the wine glass perhaps.

The typeface is nice, a bit more masculine, which is OK with me. We can stick with that, or keep exploring. I have always had a soft spot for Eurostile...

How retarded would it look to replace the squared off "o" in Radio with the rss feed icon image (wikipedia: Perhaps changing the icon color to match the rest of the type...

15 years ago
Entry #14

Hmmm. Moving the wine glass up into the negative space of the headphones doesn't work. Perhaps going back to having the pulses take up that space is worth looking at again.

Basically, the bowl of the wine glass needs to be between the earcups of the headphone. Just about everything else can be tweaked but that, I'm thinking.

15 years ago
Entry #22

This is currently the leader of the ones you submitted this morning. I like how the thinning of the pulses/vibrations from either side has changed the dynamic (not so massive). Aligning them on a horizontal axis has made a huge difference as well, as they don't seem to sag under their own weight anymore.

I appreciate the new black bridge bar between the earcups. It still seems to me that the glass is slightly out of alignment with the earcups.

Entry #23

The pulses above the wine glass are still a viable option, though they probably need to be scaled down so they don't crowd the space.

Entry #24

I like the use of the feed icon in place of the 'o', I'd like to see #22 with that treatment.

Entry #25

I've seen another designer do this, and it didn't work for me then. It still doesn't work for me now.

Thanks very much for your efforts, and it's looking strong!
15 years ago
Thanks again for your revision work! I haven't had a chance to properly give feedback on #28, #29, and #30, but I will later tonight.

Entry #33

I like this a lot. The only thing that seems out of sorts is the feed logo down at the bottom. It unbalances the "RADIO". Perhaps you can try again with:

* Increase the weight of the font used for "RADIO"
* Lighten the feed logo to a lighter tone
* Change the color of the feed logo to something brighter

Thanks again, I'm enjoying your work!
15 years ago
Another note about Entry #33

For the feed logo, I'd like to make sure to use the traditional feed logo, with the dot and two pulses emanating. The use of just the two pulses in the "O" of "RADIO" seemed odd, in addition to it being so black.

15 years ago
Entry #28, #29, #30

Of the three, I favor the graphic on #28 the best (though this has been superseded by #36 because closing the gap between the earcups and the wine glass really looks best to me). I still like the Eurostile-ish typeface, though finding a way to us that typeface where "WineBiz" is above "Radio" would be interesting to see.

Because of the way the pulses have lightened up, I now favor the #28 orientation (pulses coming out of the earcups) over #29 (pulses coming out of the top of the wine glass) pretty much every time.

#30 is an interesting departure. The green is too bright and "kelly-green" like, doesn't look at all like the green you'd get from grape leaves, which are darker and have a more yellowish cast. The grape clusters as earcups is different, I'll give you that, but I don't think it's my cup of tea.

15 years ago
Entry #35, #36, #37

I've chosen #36 to be my favorite of the three. I think it's largely that I'm favoring the red/garnet hue in general for the logo. I guess #35 is my 2nd favorite of the three, and #37 is third.

For these, I'm still struggling with the weight of the feed icon. Perhaps it's just too much to try and include. I don't see the feed icon going anywhere else, however. So it may be that it gets left off as a design element. I'd also like to see the typeface done with Eurostile in a double-decker fashion.

Thanks again very much for your submissions, you're definitely a front-runner!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the excellent feedback. It really helps when making revisions... so with that said.. here are two more for you. Thanks

Also; I just noticed your post on the main page.... Any formats you need most designers would be happy to provide for you. I personally provide..

Logo in full color
Logo in two color (if requested)
Logo in black and white
Logo in Greyscale
Logo without the type
Logo with just the type

All file formats include: eps, jpg, tif, psd, gif, png, and ai
All versions of the logos included in this format.

Also: the pantone spot color numbers... font names and where to obtain them (if needed).


(This comment references Entry #1)
15 years ago
Thank YOU for the clarification about post-contest.

For entry #47, I've put that in 2nd position at the moment, mostly because I like the use of Eurostile-like lettering, but could do without the expanded "RADIO". I like the treatment of the feed icon inside the "o" in entry #46 better, and I'm now thinking that it would look best if the feed icon was gray, and "RADIO" was black and looked like it does in #46, while the rest of it looks like #47.

So I'm guessing that in #47, "Wine" is heavy, "Biz" is light, and "RADIO" is a demi or medium stroke.

For the wineglass icon, I'd like to see a highlight on the wine glass (like a light source off to the side of the drawing, as it were), something like what's in entry #11. The wine in the glass just looks a tiny bit too flat now.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Not a problem... Here is revision 1..... Thanks

(This comment references Entry #1)
15 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #1)
15 years ago
Entry #49

So, I think what's happening is that I'm too focused on the feed icon and overlooking other balance issues.

I've received some good feedback from a colleague, who believes the text should follow the color scheme more akin to Entry #46 (i.e. Wine stays as-is, Biz is black, RADIO is gray), and up the stroke width of Biz to medium, leaving RADIO alone, except to lighten the feed icon even further (yes, this means four colors, I'm aware).

I'm just about to abandon the feed icon altogether, but want to give it one last shot to work out in this rendering. If it still distracts too much, it's outta there.

15 years ago
Entry #49

Oh, I meant to add that my colleague mentioned that the amount of wine in the glass appears to be too much, that it's "too heavy". Can we experiment is taking some of the wine out of the glass, as it were?

FYI, I like the wavy surface, it suggests an audio wave running between the earcups of the headphone. And finally, the highlight on #49 is more toward my preference.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are some more revisions for you... by the way; since these are spot colors the color count stays the same at 2.. It's only 2 colors because it is black (which makes the gray) and the magenta color (which would also make the lighter magenta... So you are still at a 2 color logo.....


(This comment references Entry #1)
15 years ago
Of course, I'm thinking in terms of embroidery colors. My bad.

Having spent the afternoon coming back and looking at Entry #51, I'm now at the point where I think the type is just too heavy. I'd like to leave the wine glass graphic as it is in #51, but I'd like to roll back the text treatment to Entry #35, only this time, I think we're going to ditch the RSS feed icon altogether; I just can't make it subtle enough to not be distracting.

I like the more open font, but somehow was meat-headed about wanting to use Eurostile or whatever geometric font you were using way back on Entry #13.

At any rate, I'm fatiguing pretty fast, and I thank you again for being so patient and willing to revise. At this point, you're definitely going to be in the top 3, if only that you have given nearly half of the submissions for this contest alone, which either says that you kick ass, or you're a doormat for your clients. :)

Anyhow, if you would please make the text change for me, I think I'll be content to just stare at it for a day or so.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the requested revision... the similarities of the other designers are getting very close to if you want to see anything else.. please let me know. Thanks, D

(This comment references Entry #65)
15 years ago
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