William Huhn Method™Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / William Huhn Method™

William Huhn Method™ has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 138 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.


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Entry #4 - Looks good! I like the red colour you have used and the 3D/shiney look. Also the concentric circles is a great idea! Could I see the same without the blue on the sphere (it seems a bit heavy) and change the circles to the same blue as the font?
Could we also see how it looks with the words Trigger Point Bodywork placed under the William Huhn Method™... this would be in a much finer font and smaller.
Thanks. I do like the concept though!
14 years ago
Yayuk -
Entry #9 is cool! A real attention getter. However, the lines emanating from the spheres are quite thin and needle-like... this may be a little too harsh. A client of mine mentioned that "ouch, it looks like a needle going through a trigger point". But I believe it has potential, if modified... I'm just not sure how.
Also, could I see #5 with the blue trim around the sphere?
I like the #8 with the WMH across the sphere... cool effect :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
yes.. thank you sir..

any other suggestion??

please feel free...

best regards

14 years ago
entry #14
Is it possible to omit one end of the points and small sphere, and place the remaining (pointy) end into the concentric rings? Sort of like it is hitting the target? I was wondering, also, if the rings could be arranged at an angle to match the angle of the sphere/point?
Thanks again for your efforts so far. Much appreciated.

14 years ago
Good to see the new changes!
Could we see #26 without the circle arrows please?
Also #27 without the arrow?
Thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
okay..yes sir

thank you too
14 years ago
Could we please see #41 without the "outside" arrows. And perhaps with the blue "point" pointing towards "William Huhn"
Thanks, we appreciate your efforts!!
14 years ago
#48 looks good with the font colour changes!
Could we please see #48 without the concentric rings at the bottom?

Also, if possible could you try adding a thin blue line that appears to be coming from the back of the sphere and it would attach to the arrow on the sphere. Give the effect of motion and depth. And omit the concentric rings.
Thanks yayuk. Good work!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
okay... yes sir..

thank you too

14 years ago
We like the look of #52
Nice work :)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you too..

but why just #2 ??


best regards
14 years ago
Hehehe... ;o)

Lots of good work from you!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
Very different design #93 yayuk!
Nice to see the style change :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
You have worked very hard on this contest! We appreciate your work :)
We will be making our final decision in a day or two!
Good luck.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you..
14 years ago
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