Mogeek - thanks for these. - Like the way #7 and #8 reverse for different backgrounds. - Like the mottled effect on the font - A bit too much fire on the font - maybe just some on the w? i.e. like # 4 but with firey w. - strapline - i'd consider including this, not sure yet. All lower case other than first E, please.
Hi Mogeek - A few more thoughts after sleeping on this. The font is good, but I'd like to see a slightly more rough and ready version if possible.. it's a bit too friendly & gentle at the moment, while our products are outdoors & quite tough.
I'd be really interested to see what you could come up with wrt to an image in increase the impact and identity of the logo. I'm thinking it's going to need this.
here is another look at a logomark along with logotype... the logomark itself plays into the products you sell and the heart of what you guys are about - outdoors, open fire, etc... I think it does a good job of letting folks know at a glance what it is that your company is related to... Doesn't tell the whole story (no logo does) but its something you could build a solid brand around... I kept things horizontal in nature due to your current web interface (not sure if you plan on re-working this or not)...
Does many of the things a good logomark should do: its modern, has strong conceptual relativity to your product/brand, reads/scales well to small sizes, retains its visual appeal in one color, etc... Just let me know if you would like to see any further revisions...
Here are some links to some info that may help you out with your decision in the end...
Hi Mogeek. Thanks for the new deisgns, and info. Looks like your latest tick all the boxes! Interesting reading. - Really like #27 and #28. Details of refining flames etc aside, this does a great job of capturing the theme and feel of our site. - The font also hits the spot, and I think is one of a few which convey the informal, rustic, friendly, image we wish to project. - Good to see the scratchy shading there too.
- I wonder if a little colour could be injected into the #28 - this works well in #27.
My colleague commented 'Yes but we're about clean stoves not open fires and cauldrons'. Fair commment, though we do sell a lot of open-fire equipment, and I imagine nodding to a stove (like the rocket stove) would be tricky. Though attempts most welcome.
Here are some new looks based upon your feedback/direction... Added a touch of color to the flames, looks better...
I went with the dutch oven/flames for the logomark because its what people can relate to... Given that you sell a whole assortment of outdoor heating/cooking equipment I'd say the symbolism found within a dutch oven over flames is something hunters/campers/backpackers/etc can click with... the open flames give the brand a bit of "wildness" playing back into the brand name...
again - no logo will ever tell your customers about your entire product line, your company's culture, and everything in-between - that job is left to your marketing materials, advertising, and web interface... logowork is all about symbolism, catching your demographics eye with something they can relate to, and portraying a professional vibe...
thanks for these refinements to an already strong design. I agree with your choice of products - they do as fgood a job as any to sum up what we are about. Nice.
- We like the curly bits on the dutch oven :) - Defiitely want the option of including strapline and/ or URL in the logo, so good to see that incorporated.
Some possible adjustments - Would it be possible to narrow the flames somewhat - maybe remove the right and left-most flames? - The strapline font is a bit blocky. Poss to try something less so? - Could you please do a version with a space in-between the Wild and Stoves? Curious to know why everyone puts these together...! Perhaps the www influence shining through. - might result in over-deisgn, but might be interesting to see a few wiggly lines of steam floating out of the delicious pot of stew. ? - Finally, would be interesting to see this somehow framed - or hinted at being framed...
Really great - thanks. Really liking this design, as are friends.
Ranking this as #1, but choosing a particular one as #1 was tricky as we like elements of all of them.
- Could you please do one which combines elements of space between words, green strapline, orange Wild, and reduced flames? And maybe a few other colour combos. Do you think the extra colour makes this look too fussy?
- Graphic - we like the reduced flames - great. We were thinking of entirely removing the flames - perhaps you don't see that working. ? We are still keen on hinting at enclosed fire, and wondered if a couple of short diagonal lines either side of, and containing, the flames coudl achieve this without becoming too fussy. i.e. rather like slashes either side; \flames/ with the pot above. Not reaching up above the flames, or far left or right. Just giving a sense of containment. Also wonder about slightly redder flames.
- steam. I wonder if you agree this also disturbs the simplicity of the original graphic? Perhaps a couple of very small wisps which don't reach beyong the handle? But also open to not keeping this in, and following your designer's eye's lead.
- enclosure issue - I don't think enclosing the graphic works - it loses its simplicity. I meant trying to enclose the logo as a whole. I've not seen an example of this I've liked so far, but seems a good idea. Perhaps difficult to make look good... so ... as an alternative, would it be possible to insert something of a glow behind it?
- we like the more funky strapline, but readability not so good small. A slightly clearer font?
showed these without a space between the words, and the more burnt/saturated orange, & without any steam because its what I think looks best... I would personally limit it to a color (burnt orange) or two over the deep red...
- Strapline font better and more readable. ff looks a bit odd. Kindly try another font. - fire containment. The slab underneath is interesting, but not quite there. Could you try the '\ /' idea? Or making the slab to look like the circular top of a stove ? (See - Would still be interested in seeing graphic with right and left-most flames erased. - Agree no steam. - I think orange looks better than red for flames and writing, as red less readable. Also wonder if different colours for words confuses things. Happy to take your lead on this. Strapline in green is good though. - Space between words good. - Interested to see a version (or 2) against white backgrounds.