We really like this idea. The worm is very creative and works in multiple ways for our product line. We also like that it is very readable and avoids using too many colors.
Caterpillar graphic paired with simple, modern and friendly typography. The visual concept of the caterpillar is ideal for your business because it represents youth, growth, preparation and transformation. I can show you iterations if you're interested in this direction. Please let me know. Thanks!
There are a few of us responding to the designs. I, for one, don't think the worm (who is cute, I admit), or a caterpillar, is right for the brand. Instead of an insect or animal, I suggest you try creating a dingbat that suggests wiggly-ness. Take design 48, which has a great typeface, and use one of the curlicues in the typeface to create a wiggly dingbat, either used to dot the Is, running below the name or shooting out in some way. Make sense?
What I like about designs 45, 46 and 48 is that the name is a single color, but you bring in color which the associated elements. Try that some more.
For the dingbat, are you looking for a graphic element that is non-representational, abstract or literal in terms of its meaning? I was thinking of using a spiral/curly dingbat (like the curl that hangs off the W in 48) which would convey creativity, journey and expanding one's awareness.
The dingbat can be abstract. We really like the direction your entries are going, particularly #48. Could you incorporate a background color? We like the look of a logo with a solid color background. Also, please re-submit the worm. Most of us quite like it. Thanks!
Revisions can still be made for the #1 ranked designer even after the contest ended in judging mode.
Are you planning to keep the blue background (behind the wigglish logo) that is currently on wigglish.com? If so, I can provide some color palettes that complement that shade of blue. Thanks!
#48 - color variations (similar to above), w/out stars, varying the dingbats (perhaps adding the squiggles from 57 in different positions)
#46/45 - add background color, don't like brown, play with colors
By the way, what you see on wigglish.com is far from where we want to be, so don't feel tied to any of those colors. We plan to revamp the site after finalizing a logo.
Hello, I'll be uploading options for the entries you mentioned above to show how different colors can convey brand emotion and personality. Do you have any dislikes or preferences for color? Would you like to see 2-3 color combinations, muted combinations with a bright contrasting color or a saturated palette? I think a signature color would be nice for the typography of the name, wigglish. (Target has red, UPS has brown, etc) You could bring in additional colors to complement throughout the website and other elements. I think in order for you to stand out from the crowd, you need to choose colors that are unexpected in your industry. When I say or hear the word, wigglish, I think of purple, green and orange. I'd love to know more about your thoughts on color.
Also, is there one conceptual direction that you favor? Should I focus on providing more variations on the "Bookworm /W letterform" since it is ranked first? You could really develop a unique positioning and brand story with that little guy.
Do you like the high color contrasting type in #190 without the stars? I think the typography alone conveys enough wigglish-ness, whimsy, wonder and imagination. (much like the Land of Nod type does for their brand)
The addition of swirls in #179 conflicts with the type making the design look redundant. Your thoughts?
Okay, one last round. We do prefer the bookworm and would like to see it in the color palette's shown in #189, 183, and 179. We've agreed that a bold color, high contrast is what we're looking for, #35 is still a favorite as is, but we just want to double check some other color combinations.