Awesome! Thanks for chiming in here. I really like what you have here. I'd like to see more variation with the W, and one of the things that attracted me to you other design was also the color. I'm really leaning toward the white/silver combo, but I'd love to see what you can add with the right color. I'm not sure what that would be though - it still has to be really elegant. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much for contributing here, at my request. I appreciate you taking the time. Your design work looks great. The contest is near completion and you'll definitely get a good ranking. Thanks.
My last post... Clean and elegant with a customized type-mark. My favorite of my post by far! Thanks for the opportunity it was great to to work on and exciting working with you. Good luck on your venture and rebranding! I think that you have some excellent work in-front of you to choose from and all represent your company extremely well. Thanks again.