We have your logo designs within our top 10. The owner has reached out to say that he'd like to see designs with a color gradient. He is also interested in seeing more designs in the blue, green, and gray families, in addition to the earth tones. Thank you for your work!
Thanks for this updated designs. I just heard from the owner: He would like to see a design featuring a green and beige design (it can have blue, but the interior of the office is predominantly earth tones). Also, he encouraged trying to incorporate natural images: the surrounded area has hills, farms, trees, and deer. Thanks for your work!
Thank you for your submissions! You're currently among the five finalists, and I'd love to see some more variations on your top designs. In this phase, we'll likely be moving designers in and out of the top six, but please know that you're among the strongest designers I've seen in the tournament. NOTE: The feedback I've gotten from our ownership is that they'd like to see more designs in the blue and silver family. Aqua blue or turquoise are also good options. Thanks again for all your work.
I like the lamp, but I still feel it contains too much small detail that's going to be lost. I'm going to post a couple images from Google maps that show what their actual street lamps look like, along with some of the old architecture from the 19th century that could maybe suggest a little different design.
This is much more manageable as a design. I like that this design imparts something of a small-town feel without looking cheesy. Thanks for the update.
I was looking over your portfolio, and you have some wonderful work. This design, as it stands, probably will not translate to our needs well. The fine detail you're using is going to be lost on our embroidered scrubs and other printed material. Also, we're looking for visual elements that are incorporated into the name of the dental office itself, similar to what you did with the leaf in your Sustainable Flooring Solutions design. Color gradients, glossy overlays, and shadowing can be fine, but the overall design just needs to translate to small printed items and embroidery.
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