Just a note to all designers...First, thank you in advance for your efforts. Couple of things in case you missed it in the brief..
UPDATE: I've made some minor modifications to the "sliders" for this tournament, nothing too major, and I've posted a Word document with several logos under CONTEST ATTACHMENTS, be sure to reference it, I hope it helps. I'm open to anything clean, don't feel like you have to stick to black and white. You can reference any of those logos in the attachment in more detail at www.goodlogo.com.
1. I'm very much known as a DJ and/or Photographer (but not solely), I'm not necessarily looking for a literal translation of everything I do, so be cautious when and IF you use anything audio/photography/art related. I would probably prefer an original abstract mark over turntables, headphones, cameras, LEDs, and other cliche' elements.
If you use something music related, make sure it's different.
2. The logo can be as simple or complex as you feel necessary, a signature type logo could work if it's the right one, initials (i.e. Calvin Klein, Louis Vuiton), a mark, text only etc, I'm open.
3. Also, the slogan IS NOT a mandatory, it DOES NOT NEED to be a part of the logo, HOWEVER, feel free to use it if you have an idea.
4. The logo will be used heavily in print, online and I'll be launching (with some partners) a line of t-shirts, so remember, simple is good. Take into consideration how the icon/mark/logo would potentially look large on the front of a t-shirt by itself (Nike, Puma, Diesel, etc.). The t-shirts will be screen printed, so gradations, reflections, should be kept to a minimum.
5. While I said I really like B&W logos, I'm NOT opposed to color. I don't want to confine everyone to black & white...I don't mind color, I just don't want anything overly "colorful."
6. I'd also like to see logos with some sort of icon/mark with it. It doesn't have to be a literal interpretation of what I do, but however you'd interpret an urban renaissance man, if it makes sense to you go for it.
Please feel free to ping me if you have any questions.
Thanks again!