Wen Davis (personal logo)Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Wen Davis (personal logo) Wen Davis (personal logo) has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 249 designs from 50 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by nong Return to Contest Return to Contest 3rd #139 Prefers others. #140 Prefers others. #131 Prefers others. #130 Prefers others. #129 Prefers others. #128 Withdrawn Prefers others. #67 Withdrawn Prefers others. #66 Withdrawn Prefers others. #52 Withdrawn Prefers others. #51 Withdrawn Prefers others. #50 Withdrawn Prefers others. #47 Withdrawn Prefers others. #46 Withdrawn Prefers others. #41 Withdrawn Prefers others. #40 Discussion nong Logo Designer fluid/water >> fitting in anywhere, dynamic(This comment references Entry #40) 15 years ago wendavis Client LOVE THIS!!! Only suggestion...possibly look at finding a way to balance the "wen davis" with the icon. It's great the way it is though, NICE WORK.Wen 15 years ago nong Logo Designer Glad you like it, Wen. Revised. Thanks(This comment references Entry #46) 15 years ago wendavis Client Hi Nong,This looks great, one more minor request...could I see this with just the "W" as the logo (without the D) with the "Wen Davis" below it like #46.Terima Kasih!Wen 15 years ago nong Logo Designer Revised. Terima kasih juga, Wen! You speaks bahasa Ind.? (^_^)(This comment references Entry #50) 15 years ago wendavis Client These are great Nong! I had a girlfriend who did volunteer work in Yogyakarta for two years, I picked up a few words as a result, but I don't really speak Indonesian. I saw you were from Indonesia and remembered how to say "thank you."Cheers,Wen 15 years ago wendavis Client Hey Nong,Actually one more minor request (sorry)....can you make the "WENDAVIS" all one word in #50 & #46.Thanks!Wen 15 years ago nong Logo Designer Oh, i see. Give her my regards. (Sampaikan salam saya kepadanya) ^_^Nevermind (tidak apa-apa), thats my job. ^_^ Thanks!(This comment references Entry #66) 15 years ago