Thanks everybody for the work done so far, It is very high quality and professional.
First, do not hesitate to help me guide you. I am not sure if I do everything right to have the best submissions and help you improve your submissions, so you can give me advices. Obviously and unfortunatly, I am not 100% sure of what I want, otherwise I would not be here, so don't hesitate to be original and prolifics and various. I will comment every submission.
Second, at the present time, I am not sur between the 4 or 6 first ones which one to choose, my choice varies according to time passing and I am waiting for some more logos to come, so when the contest ends (it will not be cut nor delayed, I will not change the deadline), I will ask my friends and customers to help me choose via a poll, so maybe the rank will change a bit after that, so don't be afraid if you are not first and don't be too confident if you are first :)
Thxs again