By the way, 3 person is my original concept, inspired by your company description. Glad for me, if you not choose another 3 person concept anymore. Since we know, concept is number one in logo design. Thanks before.
#168 #169 Very good submissions. Ok with you for the original 3 person concept. You could improve by submiting me other colors (but I cannot tell which one I would pick) and write the name in 2 colors like in #173. #173 I liked the 2 colors in the name : 'wee' in one color and 'do' in another color but do not like the adding of "technology"
By the way, I may offer #168 and #169 combination in my next works. I'll be use icon of #168 and font style of #169 (with color using #173) as I already considering that they look unique and can be used as a part. I hope you like it. Thanks
#213 forget this one ! #215 very cool nice and style ! #222 can you make the same but reverse the color of the people and the color of the ring and let the rest like it is ? So the ring will be green and the people grey (with grade like #168) #228 good as well, I personnaly prefer #222 but I will submit it to the poll for my friends to help me decide #232 very good as well, can you make the same without the white thin border ? #233 not fan
gray color of #232 is too light. Is it gray applying on font? If so, my answer is yes. Honestly that is my problem so far. To applying light green on Do word, I worry there some odd relations between icon and text, its mean that the logo doesn't make sense anymore. Make it all in blue, I still lean to make them as a part. Lastly when I tried to applying grey... i found there are no suitable grey can make them look better... :(( So confusing...
May be I better back to the first idea, make it all in just one color...
Your latest request had done. Now, it is 3.20 AM in Indonesia... I am tired and dozy :) If something goes wrong, please forgive me... because I am doze off ;o
Night everybody, night God, night world. Thanks for all.
Thx for the hard working. I definitly prefer the #247 font in on color only Can you make the #215 logo with the #247 font ? Thx again, it will be finish soon :)
With my pleasure... I'd planned before to submit black edition, ups... I mean black version. But... unfortunately my internet connection make me getting mad in last few hours :(( I used more than 5 minutes to open your latest massage.
I promise you to submit them before the contest end, anyway...
i heard from CH of contest that i'd just win. He said that dark green is most popular in France, so I trying to submit new one on dark green that come with gradation effect.