I would like to see how #34 could look if you made the second "O" in Rooney normal so that the turntable design stands out. I really like what you did with that. I'm not crazy about the loop on #32 but #30 could grow on me. Keep the designs coming.. I love your work so far!!!
Got a few ideas of variations on #43. I think if you could try a couple more designs on this concept it would be great. Try using a bit more of a square for one of the letter "O's" Maybe be able to turn that square into the design of a turntable as if you are looking at it from above.. if that makes sense. Thanks so much for your help!!!
I really love the different work you have done with people's initials. If we could somehow get my initials inside of a sleek looking turntable design, that could look sweet! I like what you did with Patrick Ellis Photo, and also "Manuel" who was a photographer.. Great, Great work!!!
I want to keep working on #58! I'm really liking it!! I'm not too crazy about the design in #65. So for the first one.... I think if we can get a design for the box with my initials on it we could be on the right track!! I really like Patrick Eilers Photography, and Manuel Sousa on the first page of your portfolio. Something along those lines...
Looking forward to seeing some more designs!! It's about 1am here in the states so I am headed to bed and will respond in the morning. Thanks again for all your work, you have been great to work with!!! 'nite!
The only other idea I am looking at doing with the name is the style of layout I saw another DJ do once. Check this out below. I love the way he did kind of a modern style typing on his name.
See what you might be able to come up with similar to that. I love the initials in the circle, I think that looks great!! I'm just looking I think for something a little more modern for the typing on the name.
One other idea I had is if you could change the little lip on the "R" so it's kind of cradling the "O" but not running into it I think that could look really good. I love what you did with the "R" to kind of make it unique. It's tough though ranking all these.. there are so many talented designers on here!! Keep up the good work!! I just moved your design up :)
I like the attempt youre making with #140. I think eventually you can get something great for that type of design. If we can get two or three awesome types of designs there's a good chance you'll finish winning.
If you can show me a couple different font styles inside the icon on #141 that'd be great! thanks :)