This design is great but it is not refined or simple enough for what I am looking for. If you lightened up the record in the background and changed the font to a nice sleek catchy font I think this could look really good. Thanks!!!
Hey there!! If you take a look at some of the higher ranked designs, they are kinda going the direction that I am looking for. I am looking for a unique way of having my name as a logo. Something to make the name stand out as a brand. Keep submitting! I'm sure we will find something that looks awesome!!! Thanks for all your work!!!
What I am looking to do is get two sets of files after the contest. One for the name itself and one for the initials logo. I will have to chat with the winning designer afterwards to see how much extra that would be.
I like #108. I'd like to see this with a thinner font. Take the dots off of the "J" and "I" and maybe make the curve on the J just a bit more defined. Also, try a little bit darker blue and not so much of a teal. Maybe like a sky blue. Thanks!! If you could do a few more variations with these changes that would be great!! Thanks so much!!!
Hi there. Thanks for the changes. I really like this design, and it is really growing on me!! I showed this to a few people who are key decision makers with me, and have a few changes. The "I" in Jimmy could be straightened. Also, the "Y's" look a bit like the number 4, and wondering if there is a way to change that.
The other thing we are looking for is a letter mark to go with the design of the name. I am looking at getting files for both the name and the lettermark from the winning designer. If you can make these changes and see where we are at that would be great.
Also, let me see one variation of it in one color (maybe a little something in the main design just to distinguish the first and last name just a tad) And what you can come up with for slightly different designs but similar would be great!! Thanks so much for all your work!!!
On #153 make the "Y" in Jimmy so it falls into the "o" and the "n". And create a tiny space in both letters so it doesn't overlay. Thanks so much. I am narrowing them down now!
Congrats on making it into the Top 5!! We are putting a voting system in place this morning, and will probably have the decision by Monday or Tuesday. Thank you for all your work!!
In the original layout, I'd like to see "Jimmy" in just a little bit of a darker grey, and also see "Rooney" in a few different shades of blue and red. Maybe like a darker Navy blue, but also let me see some lighter shades as well. Thanks so much. Many women whom I am talking with really like your design.
Also, just a couple more.. Thanks so much!! I'd like to see the first and last name next to one another, the same size. But I am thinking if you have the top and bottom of the words with a blue or grey, and the middle with the opposite color. Kind of like a fade effect. I got the inspiration from this website. Thanks so much!!
Thanks for all your work!! I am pretty much decided on your design and vision, but would really love to see a "logo" or icon that could go along with it. If we can come up with an awesome icon to go along with that color scheme and font, that'd be awesome! Just something unique that can kind of be my stamp. Thanks!!
I'd like to see possibly some other layouts, etc.. just to have a few different designs to choose from. I am going to be sending your designs to the group of people helping me vote on a design. I'd like to see just maybe what different layouts and designs you can come up with for an icon, and then kind of choose from there. Thanks!
I want to be able to see the name as more of a "graphical representation" of my brand. Kind of like the Austin Beaver website I showed you. I really like the way he has layed out his name for his logo. Maybe add a line in between or something. If you could give me some different ideas for people to choose from that would be great!! Thanks!
Ok.. if you look at #276. See if you can give me these few variations.. Try making "Jimmy" the same size as "Rooney" but moving "Jimmy" over to the left a little bit. Create a line the starting below the "J" and ending at the "Y" in Jimmy.
This is the other variation I am thinking of.. Still having Jimmy the same size over to the left a little bit maybe make the first line on the 2nd "M" the line for the "R" in Rooney.
Those are the kind of ideas I am thinking of, kind of like where your name can also serve as an Icon at the same time. An example of this would be..
But something very sleek and trendy looking. Maybe separate the two parts of the "R" in my last name or something. Just giving people a few different great variations to choose from. Like I said, I have eliminated all the other entries from ranking so I am definitely choosing you as the designer, I am just trying to give people some different designs to choose from for the final design.
Ok that is all I needed, it's good to know where your head is at - I can totally pull this off and will have several ideas laid out tomorrow morning. I had a few ideas just like that but I wasn't sure if it was what you were looking for, so I disregarded them. Thanks for the feedback!
I think we could expand a little bit on #284. I am thinking of a couple ideas. Maybe having some lightly colored sound bars coming out of the left side of the "J". Also, maybe incorporating kind of a vague design of a turntable inside of the "R". Those are a couple ideas I have for that. Also, maybe shorten the "JR" icon just a little bit.
The other one I kind of like is #279. I'd like to see that icon with maybe a couple variations of my name to the right of it.
I'm not crazy about the new designs. I think the various colors make it too busy when the lines are connected.
I'm looking at #272. Move Jimmy over to the left a bit and have the right side of one of the "M's" come down and be the left line on the "R". I drew out a few things I am thinking of on paper, and wish there was a way to show the ideas to you.
See what you can come up with those descriptions. Thanks!!
Just a couple more revisions.. thanks for all your hard work!! On #291, Let me see what the sound bar would look like above the word "Rooney" and make the bars on it a little bit thinner but to fade colors kind of like you would see a sound level doing. Maybe like a navy blue into a grey. And then make the wording into like a navy blue color (which I know it will probably have to change on different backgrounds.
On #272, I'd just like to see "Rooney" in a bit more of a darker or navy blue. Thanks! Also, couple this with the icon in #290. Thanks!!
Sorry, one more quick variation. Can you connect the "R" with the first line on the "M" instead of the second and then make the group of sound bars just a bit thinner? Thanks a bunch. Also..
When I select the winner, am I able to make a final clean up of that choice, or does it have to be exactly when I choose the winner?
Also, as an artist I want you to be completely happy with my work - as you deserve to be. So don't hesitate to ask for anything during the contest, and even when it ends.
On #293, can you make the "J" the same size as the "R". That is a really cool design! I like how the colors fade through the letters.
I'd like to see the icon on #293 after it is shortened, paired with the words on #298
I also love #297. On this one I'd like to see just a few more variations maybe with "Jimmy" pushed over to the right a bit, somehow making the sound bars a bit smaller in width. Also, maybe start the sound bars with a lighter blue so that the name stands out a bit more than the sound bars do. Thanks!
So, my question in the other message was when we choose a winner, can small little changes be made to that one afterwards, or does every change have to be made before selecting the winner?
Once you receive the file the can edit whatever you'd like - although I'm not exactly sure of this. The files are yours since you have paid for them, I'm sure you can edit them however you'd like. SMall little changes can be made on either part, yours or mine.
Almost there.. #299 shorten the "J" just a bit more to make it even with the "R" and minimize the shadow in the background just a bit.
#300 - Make "Jimmy" just a tad bit bigger, and am still looking for the sound bars to start with just a bit lighter blue, and fade into almost nothing. Fade all the way into white.
#272 - Make "Jimmy" just a tad bit bigger and try bringing the bottom of the "Y" in between the "O" and the "N" just a little bit. And darken "Rooney" to the more navy blue.
Getting those three changes should be awesome!! I am just giving my clients, etc.. 3 or 4 of your designs to choose from! Thanks so much for all your work!!!
Ok... just thought of a great idea... Can you take the icon that you made for "JR" and spell the name out in that style with a modern look. I'd love to see it straight across and also in the style of the names on top of one another. I think that will give people a few different "looks" to choose from!
Thanks so much! What's your name by the way? I hate saying "Hey" or "Ok..."
Ok... almost decided.. Let me see #308, both names with the navy blue writing.
And one other variation. See if you can adjust #308 so that the design is more of a rectangular where everything would match up. Probably enlarge "Rooney" just a bit and move in the letters on "Jimmy" a bit so everything matches up. Thanks!!
So sorry to do this to you again.. the girl that is helping me decide asked to see #279 in a few different colors. Make the grey block a few shades of blue and the lettering inside a silverish, creme color. But make the background still match the lettering.
Ok.. the icon in #324, with the typing of #314 to the right. Also see if you can add some kind of background design just inside the letters in the box. Like some squiggly lines or something like that. Like I said, I am definitely choosing your design, just deciding which one :)
What do you think looks best from a trendy design point of view? From the mind of a designer?