Color Preferences
It would use a variety of bright colors (including red, blue, orange, green, and yellow) without clashing.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
My ideal logo would contain most of the following points:
- It would use a variety of bright colors (including red, blue, orange, green, and yellow) without clashing. I think the best way to do that is to draw children holding hands on top /under the logo with different color clothing (and ethnicities and genders, of course).
- As mentioned above, I'm going for a simple, colorful design. The concept I had in my head was a nice, non-cursive writing of 'Warm Ears, Warm Hearts" with different children of different backgrounds holding hands on top of the logo. The logo would be very clean, universal and childlike all at once. The logo would also show that this organization is meant to help out children in need.
- A nice idea I haven't tried to see how it looks yet is the following: Other than having the logo with the children on top, I was thinking of maybe having an arch of stars from one end of the logo to the other end, with the children in between. Other than it being the children under the stars, it would hold a deeper, secret meaning to myself.
Regardless of the ideas I laid out on top, you are free to try whatever you think might look nice. I just wrote what I think would be a good logo for my organization. Reach out to me if you have any questions.