Thank you for your entries. I'm liking this concept. As the graphic element will be used large and small, I think it may need some more definition between the sections. When sized down it basically turns into two bars. Maybe play more with the relationships between the bamboo stalks and the leaves, too. Just some thoughts.
Not sure on a specific route you could take, but I hope that explains what we're after. Cheers!
Here is some additional feedback: - Can we play with colors of the bamboo stalk and leaves a bit? I'm thinking a dark purple would be a good place to start, but feel free to give any other colors you think will look appealing a whirl. Basically we're just looking to see what the world beyond just the green can do for us. I think it will help it stand out, while being a bit unusual. - Can you put 'vivid' and 'bamboo' on the same plane? It looks like bamboo is a few pixels lower. - Also, as I mentioned earlier, we would like to see a version without the shadows to see if it still conveys depth without it. We won't be able to utilize the shadow in all of our implementations.
Thank you for your revisions! We definitely like more space added into the segments of #209. Let's go ahead and stick with that moving forward. Looking good so far...
Feedback at this point: Assuming no shadow is used, can you try some experimenting to keep the depth perspective? Maybe work with the relationship between the bamboo stalks, adjust heights/distances, shift placement of the leaves, etc. Just some thoughts, but feel free to try anything else that comes to mind. (Note: We still will want a shadow version, but as I mentioned we won't be able to use it in all applications.)
Thanks again for the revisions yesterday! We're liking it, I just have one request. Could you do a version of #236 where the left bamboo stalk is shorter than it currently is? Feel free to use your judgement on how much shorter.
Just wanted to let you know that we really like your concept! (#238)
We're going to move you out of first temporarily to give a couple of the other designers a chance to submit revisions. Upon moving you back into first, we'll be looking for some other font options. To give you a broad idea, we'll be after sans serif choices. So the font you're utilizing right now is a good option, we'll just be interested in checking out other possibilities.
Hi - we like #263. We're going to select you as the winner, however, I have one more design tweak request.
The left and right leaf seem to very different. I know you're going for the 'v' and 'b', which is great. For the right leaf, could you thin up the part of the leaf that would be the vertical upright of the 'b'?