#18 and #55:
I still like your approach. But I would like to support you a little bit more in your efforts and I would appreciate to see some minor improvements in the design:
The "V": I like the Form of the "V" of Version #15 most; stay with the idea of a "V" and a checkmark at the same time, thats good; but the V could be a little bit smaller compared to the letters.
Colours of the V and the word Vita:
For the darker part of the green please take the dark green of version #15, for the lighter green please try #5C8A00
The grey word smoke; try
#4 D4D4D (is a little bit darker)
And please use the bolder characters for the word "smoke", not as bold as in Version #15, but bolder than e.g. #18. The letter-size of #18 is good
The cigarette: the lower part of the cigarette (mouthpiece) should be in the dark green, the upper part in the lighter green (not grey). The ash tip could be done as shown here (the version with the heart), means 2 little horizontal lines in light green, please not red -->
http://vitamondo.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=39The Smoke/steam: does not express anything now. Is it possible to also shape a heart or something else?
I do not really have a creative fantastic idea so far. The heart expresses something friendly, maybe you can come up with a good idea?
You also could add a slogan below the logo called: Die gesündere Alternative
The leave in #55: not necessary, keep it out please
Best regards