#18 and #55: I still like your approach. But I would like to support you a little bit more in your efforts and I would appreciate to see some minor improvements in the design:
The "V": I like the Form of the "V" of Version #15 most; stay with the idea of a "V" and a checkmark at the same time, thats good; but the V could be a little bit smaller compared to the letters.
Colours of the V and the word Vita: For the darker part of the green please take the dark green of version #15, for the lighter green please try #5C8A00
The grey word smoke; try #4 D4D4D (is a little bit darker) And please use the bolder characters for the word "smoke", not as bold as in Version #15, but bolder than e.g. #18. The letter-size of #18 is good
The cigarette: the lower part of the cigarette (mouthpiece) should be in the dark green, the upper part in the lighter green (not grey). The ash tip could be done as shown here (the version with the heart), means 2 little horizontal lines in light green, please not red --> http://vitamondo.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=39
The Smoke/steam: does not express anything now. Is it possible to also shape a heart or something else? I do not really have a creative fantastic idea so far. The heart expresses something friendly, maybe you can come up with a good idea?
You also could add a slogan below the logo called: Die gesündere Alternative
The leave in #55: not necessary, keep it out please
#62 Hi, I am still not enthusiastic about the symbol of the smoke (the shape expressing something friendly, healthy, clean, what ever) I like the idea of the heart of your colleague, because it makes smoking to look like something lovely. The genious ides is missing so far, but I assume, you will get it... :-)
And the letters could be a little bit more diorama, vivid, maybe using a color gradient with shadows and lights instead of just 2 different colours.
Finally I do not understand the split between dark and light colours in the text. it looks like an accidentally choosen line. Maybe it can be solved with the color gradient.
But as you can see, still attractive, appealing and thus a high ranking.
#2 very nice, really good work. When I wrote that the genious idea was missing I did not think about a genie coming out of the cloud. That´s beautiful.
I would write the slogan in grey characters instead of green. And I would take out the thin horizontal line. I guess the logo is finally too high for web presence and in tv.
But really hard to decide between the two leading proposals now.
#141 Hi Sunardi, this is really amazing. You improved #117 clearly: the ash tip and especially the solution with the genie between the two words. Between the at the moment leading #77 and your proposal it is only a matter of taste. Hard for me to rate 1st and 2nd. Both are exactly what I have been searching for.
Thanks Kloetsch. #141. I just emphasizing your description here: "We adress people with drtv-spots on tv, primarily in the night. The main audience (and thus target person) is mainly male (>60%), aged 30+, low up to average household income, quite simple, average jobs, the same with their education." I hope I didn't miss the guideline on there. I could make the love smoke on my design, but I wont do this as it was my friend's idea. I appreciate his/her idea, and I decide not to follow that idea for creating colorful great contest as you wish for. I prefer to make my own brainstorming here with your kind of feedback of course... And you decide the best for you.
Dear Sunardi, you did a wonderful job. Now, after the contest is over, I can say that from the start I/we had 2 concepts, that really convinced us, your work and the proposals of the winner. Let me explain our decision a little bit:
Both of you came up with strong elements: on the one side the heart, on your side the green "v". Both more or less at the same time also took the "i" as a cigarette. And also both of you came up with a grey/green version.
I had already asked an agency to develop a logo before. I guess you have seen the result in the weblink I once posted. It was really not bad, but I thought it´s worth to try a contest in logotournament.com. Due to the operational preparations we already spent efforts in a green/grey/white webappearence. So without writing it into the briefing I stall wanted to stay with the once chosen colour world.
Unfortunately I could not give the gold award to two designers and the element that always was valued a little bit stronger, when I asked friends and colleagues, was the smoke-heart. So maybe this in the end was the reason for our decision.
But it´s really fair from you, not just to copy the heart idea. This was maybe also the reason, why you had to search for another impressing idea. By the way: I liked the genie-approach also very much. It´s a little bit harder to transfer in communication, the heart stands simpy for itself.
In the end the proposals naturally converged regarding the elements (colours, fonts, cigarette-"i", ash-tip, etc). That has to do with the briefing, the staedy comments and also the ranking, which reveals what a contest holder favors.
It would be fair, if the 2nd and 3rd rank also would benefit from the price money by the way.
Thank you very much for participating. You helped to make it a really impressing experience. All the best to you and good luck and success in the future.
Please don't get me wrong. I know from the beginning when my friend's concept come up with love smoke idea, I know his logo is the best one stand out from the crowd. And he deserve to be the winner. That's fair enough.
I just upset when in the last minutes you take my idea to re-fine tuning his logo with my V leave concept. I know everybody used the leaves concept, but not my leave concept. The last two leaves before the final refinement of the winner are not my leaves. It's totally different, although it has a little similarity. But the last leaves was my leave concept.
Anyway, I know you've done the fair contest. I know I'm not the winner from the beginning I saw my friend's concept (the winner). But taking my concept to refine the winner concept right at the last minutes before the contest over is another story.
Hi Sunardi, to a certain extend I understand your disappointment. I tried to give to all the entries as much as possible hints, remarks and comments. So all the logos developed time by time. Nonetheless the idea of the heart, as stated earlier, convinced me and also some other people that I asked to give comments. This is the reason, why the winner´s proposal at a very early stage was ranked no 1 and remained there.
And as I tried to support and guide you especially regarding the key visual of the smoke in my comments, I asked your colleague now (very late) to come up with a leaf-shaped letter V.
Believe me, I would really have liked to give the win to both of you.