Vision's Sown, An Ancient Baking CompanyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vision's Sown, An Ancient Baking Company

Vision's Sown, An Ancient Baking Company has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 59 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.










Hi Saturninus,

I really love that you made the 'o' s flax flowers! How beautiful this is!! Of the three designs submitted, I like #35 the most. I think the ovens need a flame to bring them alive!! Is there another, more ancient looking style of font that could age the text? Even the ribbon becoming more papyrus paper like could help the "ancient kitchen concept" more. Think Egyptian temple wall, I would love it to look more like I discovered this from a well guarded tomb, or that it came from an ancient archive, well preserved but from another time and space...

Hope this helps to stir your creative juices...I can't wait to see your next ideas!

Kind Regards.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ankh, wedja, seneb is an ancient Egyptian blessing. It means "life, prosperity & health".

(This comment references Entry #54)
15 years ago

That did it! Your logo design is ranked #1. Only one change I would request, please make one of the bakers a woman, all braids or nu locs, whichever, about shoulder length, dress too. I absolutely LOVE this design. WOW!!!

You took it there! and took my breath away!!!

The Bomb! Can't wait to see the woman...

Kind Regards,
15 years ago
Logo Designer
At the risk of offending your sensibilities (but not your demographic, i think) it is important to note that a female baker in ancient Egypt would not have been in a dress. She would have been, ahem, topless. Probably would have had her head shaved and no wig. (I'm a history buff, I am burdened with these tidbits.) Since this is a very stylized set of images, I think the whiff of tit can easily pass muster with the demographic.

I gather "mother nut" refers to the goddess?

(This comment references Entry #55)
15 years ago
Great to know that you are a history buff...I am an archives management grad student...My research on the nutritional anthropology of indigenous cultures and the lost crops of Africa brought me to follow agrarian/ancient food ways. I was disturbed to learn that so many wonderful African grains, medicinal and beverage plants had been marginalized and believed to be animal feed.

As the research began to unfold it became clear to me that there was a baking tradition that did not rely on highly refined grains or pasteurized animal ingredients...thus my memory, 'vision' of this ancient art of baking so in harmony with the magical gifts of plant life. As for the tit I don't doubt what you say, however, I do want my demographic to share these specialty cookies with their children, thus the request for modest covering #55.

Yes, Mother Nut does refer to the son's name is Bennu, the Egyptian phoenix...also, I saw in the Hieroglyphic dictionary that Bennu also means cakes and loaves... So the blessing is fitting given that I used these ancient grains, flax seeds, and medicinal plants to resurrect my son from acute malnutrition initially.

Life, prosperity, and health are our ancient birthright ...Hopefully this beautiful logo, filled with that symbology, will remind my demographic of this special and sacred blessing as they enjoy indulgent ancient baking born anew.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
The cartouche below the DRESSED lady baker <G> says Nut. I like that. I was bothered by repeating the LPH and since Mother Nut is a part of this process, let's go for it!

Ancient grains and foodstuffs are the miracle foods for the next century. I'm a huge fan of chia, for example. Better a heaping tablespoon of that than a very expensive pill from Pharma, Inc. And I get my vegetarian friendly omega threes.

(This comment references Entry #56)
15 years ago
Indeed, let's go for it!!! Believe it or not the very first logo I tried to design was a stylized almond named mother nut. She was charming but too cartoony and often misunderstood, then I boiled it down to the flax flower and got quite a different response...much more favorable. Then I was questioned by a pitch coach, what is the ancient kitchen?...floored by his questioning, I did not have an answer. The fact that you have captured all of these iterations without even knowing what has preceded your logo design shows just how much you understand what I am trying to convey...a complex ancient story told in the snapshot of a logo. Ancient grains and foodstuffs are the miracle, nutrient dense foods forgotten...but now hopefully revived.

Mother Nut's Ancient Almond Butter Cookies are so amazingly good and rich in omega 3s, mono and polyunsaturated fats, vitamin E, calcium, fiber and many trace minerals. I would opt for one with a chia and forego the pill from Pharma, Inc any day.

For me this is the winning logo design #56.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
speaking of mother nut...

(This comment references Entry #57)
15 years ago

The new design is very powerful, though a little too dark for me. I did wonder how to best represent the cookies and this does an incredible job of representing the product. They almost need to be two different logos. Or maybe the cookie itself is just the essence of mother nut, maybe just the words underneath Vision's Sown, An Ancient Baking Company in a cartouche, Mother Nut's Ancient Almond Butter Cookies" and one or two stars to capture her essence. Sorry I am replying so late and with so little time left in the logo contest, if you feel there is time for this last minute change go for it but for now your last design, #56 is still number #1 for me.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes. We are talking two different logos. I just put that up to get you thinking about the future. I'm evil that way. Wasn't meant to be a finished product - the almond needs much more work. The colors are in flux (not flax <G>).

Just me stirring the pot, as it were...

You have your company logo (VISION'S SOWN) - which is what we're working on here. But you will need a look for the product itself. Presumably you will have more than one product? Hence the need for a company logo distinct from the product logo.

I go back to the questions I asked you at the beginning:

"How do you see this integrating with the logos of individual products? Will Vision's Sown be the primary image, setting an overall look, or will it be subordinate to the logos developed for your individual products? I ask that because you have so many words associated with your sample product. When I look at a package of Mother Nut's Ancient Almond Butter Cookies, what do I see first?"

Having come to an idea you seem comfortable with as a company logo, I wanted you to see how it might be used in a product setting. How are the cookies going to be packaged, btw? In a box? In a bag? Individually? In groups of varying numbers? All that will affect how the product logo is put together!

Perhaps you've already got this in mind and I'm just being irritating?
15 years ago
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