#7 - the cart wheels feel out of place here, so they lose their meaningfulness. I think it might be because the proportion of V to wheels. I'd be up for seeing a variation of this design without wheels and a slightly reconfigured V and a more balanced Vibe --> Commerce ratio. #4 - not what I'm looking for but it has some goo elements - namely the fact the V and E help it feel a little more edgy. Concept wise though, the "commerce" is lost and the large wheels make it feel automotive or vehicle/delivery related. it has to be cool/classy/techy. #8. #9 - variations of #7 that don't quite work #6, #5, feel amateurish, wheels are lost on the concept, "commerce" took a significant back seat. balance is really missing here.
#11 - #15, none of the Vs are working, and the font for commerce is not quite there. I liked where #7 was heading, but as I mentioned, the wheels felt a little awkward. Thanks for the effort though.
I'm liking #77 (#78 looks the same without a background). What I'd like to see changed is the font on "commerce" - the mm and r extend down too far. I think this word (commerce) needs to be sans serif and very crisp without flair. Try something more in the neighborhood of arial, but it could be a little fancier. You could also see if something in the neighborhood of futura looked good... I'm not sure if it would or not.
The little vibes in the V in 79 are kind of cool but they don't sit in the design quite right. I don't like that V much either. I would like to develop #77 a little more, I think it could be great. I love how there is starting to be some cohesiveness between the right side of the V, the top and dot of the i, and the top of the b. If there could be a little more cohesiveness or closer to symmetrical, I think it will really be sharp.
#84 is closer on the "commerce" except, let's try it in black or charcoal (your discretion) and not bold. I'm not stuck on a certain font, so just use what looks best.
Take #89, put the shine back on 'vibe' from #86. Raise the stem of 'b' up so that from v to i to b you have an even ascending stair step (i tried this in photoshop already): http://www.vibecommerce.com/vibe.png Then make "commerce" lowercase and either arial or something close, with no stretching or bold and fit it only under the letters 'b' and 'e' (width). I'd like to see 'vibe' in both the gray and the burnt orange. This is getting close to being a finalist. In my mockup I tried a version with a thinner 'b' and 'e' but letting the tail of the 'e' stick out, which provides a little balance to the V. It'd be nice to see a comp like this too because it might end up balancing better.
I uploaded 5 more for you to preview, all with the variations you requested, both the burnt orange and black designs look great, its a pretty slick font as well, if you need any more changes let me know and i will do them for you asap, cheers