This is creative and I appreciate the shopping cart that you worked into the V. I feel it could be improved a little bit to really up the bar. Balance between the cart wheels and the "commerce" is great, making it feel well thought out. I would love to see a variation of this concept though, perhaps play with the thickness of the letters (namely the "e" I feel is too fat), and maybe the letters are a little square. But, as I said, working the cart graphic into the logo SUBTLY is a nice touch.
To other designers: I am not necessarily looking for a design with a shopping cart graphic worked in. You are welcome to pitch your idea, but I'm not locked into that at all.
#53, looks really nice, but I'm not crazy about that font. I've actually seen several come in with that font or similar, but it's not my favorite. I'd like to see #51 with less prominent wheels... the orange wheels I feel are distracting. Maybe in a lighter gray? I do like this concept... I'm just not sure this font is completely right. I think my problem with it is that is so very bold.
Hi. unfortunately I donĀ“t have that font in light version, but we can reduce the "bold" feeling using a shiny grey instead of dark grey on it. I also used light grey at the wheels
Thanks. I like these submissions. I'm not quite sure it's a finalist, but I appreciate the balance and cleverness. It might just be too boxy and bold, I'm not sure. It is one of the better entries so far, and that's why I have it ranked. If you study the other top ranked logos, maybe you could try a more sleek version of your entry #76.