I like the font on this one, it seems unique. I wouldn't mind seeing something creative done with the dot over the "i". Nice work, this is definitely in the scope of what I'm looking for.
also one additional thought... the 3D on the dot of the "i" might look better tamed way down or removed completely. But, depending on further ideas you have about using that element in the design, I will defer to your artistry. Thanks.
I'm liking #66. Maybe less is more here... but I'm tempted to want to see something slightly symbolic or unique as well. Not necessarily a cart graphic... sorry I don't have any ideas right now. I tried to play with the dot on the "i" as negative space in photoshop, which could be a possibility.
You're right. Ultimately, less is probably more. Here is a version that gives the "i" a slight accent. I will try to come up with some more ideas. Thanks.