Thanks Bordo - can i please see #153 against a white background and #153 against a white background and the name in black (so just the logo in colour). thanks
Hi Bordo - really like #162. We're still debating the name, i.e Veni International vs Veni Group. Could you please show us #162 with Veni Group to see what it looks like. Also, do you think navy blue would work well with the gold instead of red burgundy? or any colour you think would work.
Hi tdrewry, You can check now new updates with different colors and layouts. We can easily combine colors and layouts, which you like the most, just let me know.
Thanks Bordo - like what you've done with Group. I think we're nearly there. Can you please show us the logo with a couple of other colours instead of the gold, say grey, orange or whatever colour you think may go well with it. thanks
Hi Bordo - final request please. Can we please see: #229 with Veni Group instead of International #202 with grey instead of gold #229 with Veni Group instead of International and red burgundy (as in #146) instead of blue.
here are they #320 #321 #322 If you are in dilemma about the colours, I can provide you, variations you like the most. (via mail) Also if you want, to see any variations, beside this, just let me know.