We like the color combination (red/white) of the "V" in Entry #9 but we feel the font is too "modern" and not communicating "strengh, directness, no frills" we want to communicate. However, overall the logo is well balanced.
I like the 3D effect of the "V" of Entry #8 but not the "shiny" effect on the letter of the logo and not the font. I also like the "V" in Entry #12 but the font it totally unappropriate for what we want to communicate.
You seem a good designer. I want to see something different from the "V" and also different colors. Feel free to explore what you feel is right. Your current designs are nice, but they aren't exciting enough to justify the time we are spending in this contest. They are ok logos, but we want something GREAT. Keep on.
Entry #109 is a new interesting addition and we selected it among the ones we like. I'd like to see:
- a different color for the symbol - the NON 3D version of the V, like you made in other version of this logo that I didn't select because of not effective font choice.
You are a good designer, the only thing missing is that you just caught our suggestions (a good thing) but you didn't think of a logo by yourself. I ask you to think by yourself now and present YOUR logo. Keep on.
After analysis the two logo I have selected from your proposals don't work with the double color (black - red) if the symbol is red as well. The look is umbalanced. I have still them selected but they aren't my final choice. The fact is that most proposals weren't good enough. But I want something that goes over the V. Your idea with the salesman is ok but quite literal, there isn't anything that says "winning salesman". I am going to send all the contestant a revised brief to help you help me.