My first submission, the inspiration behind this was to try and incorporate the super hero feel to the logo so I designed the abstracted cape around the letter 'V' your thoughts are greatly appreciated many thanks Stuart
We like the superhero idea that you tried. It doesn't work the way you made it, however. But I ask you to keep working on this idea, also thinking outside the box (what if the superhero is a real character? what if the symbol follows instead of trailing the brand name?). There are still days left and we haven't decided anything yet.
Another submission along the same lines slightly simplified but given a more superhero pose emphasizing striving to achieve. Your thoughts are most appreciated many thanks Stuart
FOLLOW THIS "new" BRIEF ! (it's an update and SIMPLIFICATION of the standard brief) ----------------------------
If You joined the contest after I sent this brief update, here is some info you MUST READ.
"Venditore Vincente" is the brand of a new training company selling training for sales people. The meaning is " Winning Sales person".
The payoff says "Il primo sistema di vendita in Italia" meaning "The first sales system in Italy".
These are ideas you can work with. We aren't expecting the logo communicates ALL these ideas. Any can work.
- This is a solid system that works - No frill, very practical like you salesman - Strong and effective - This makes you a Winning Sales Person - Evoluiton of a salesman (from mediocre to winning)
So the KEYWORDS you can work on are:
- System - Evolution - Winning Sales - Reaching for the Stars
- Horizontal logo
- Any color you think can work for this logo will be considered.
As you see the new brief is leaves you much more free to express your creativity.
HOWEVER, if your creativity will not be in brief, communicating what we want to communicate it will be ranked as "not interesting".
In short, I ask you to put your mind and find the right synthesis of symbols, colors and fonts that communicate the above things. We will prize creativity AND professionalism (right font, kerning, taste and eye for legibility).
Start now and let's see who is the Winning Designer!