Value Star ApartmentsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Value Star Apartments
Value Star Apartments has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 464 designs
from 78 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
High quality, high value apartment rentals with impeccable customer service.
Color Preferences
Our parent company logo SEE HERE: is shades of Blue and Orange with black/deep grey elements (see attached .JPG for exact colors) Please try this combo and if you feel other colors match the brand, please feel free to experiment.
Blues, Oranges, Black, Grey, White
Metro Star is a luxury brand
Value Star is a scaled back but still superb / high quality brand based on our luxury offerings
Blues, Oranges, Black, Grey, White
Metro Star is a luxury brand
Value Star is a scaled back but still superb / high quality brand based on our luxury offerings
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We like the In n Out Burger logo (see attached .JPG) the way the angle is around the wording. Please use the attached Metro Star star (see attached .AI) or parts of the Metro Star star to create this new logo