#45 We are going to be selecting your design as the winner for our competition. We very much like the look and feel of it. Before we do, we wanted to see if we could change the colors slightly to go with something a bit more "organic" - would you be able to submit to us a couple additional logos with different color schemes.
Those look good. Is there anyway to adjust the colors of the actual graphic? ( The wording and the symbol?) Our other company is www.revitalending.com - here you can see the color scheme we used to appeal to the "organic" feel. We are looking to accomplish something similar ( not exact), but something similar in the feel of this logo. Are you able to do change the colors along those lines?
ASM, we love #175, we are going to go with that one. On a followup, we are looking to have a website done with this logo. Do you do websites as well? If so, can you please let us know at info@revitalending.com. We are looking for a complete website for our new development company.