I like this design, and I'd be curious to see how this would look against a white background and dark gray background, as well. Thanks for participating...
Man, those look sick...doing my final review now, but nice job and thanks for doing that. Would it be too much to ask to have you send me hat and t-shirt samples on dark gray, black, and white with the new design with report.com on the same line to chris (at) utvreport (dot) com. I have samples from the other top logos I'm looking at, and it would really help in my final decision. Thanks,
Part of my thought now is which of these logos will look best in a combined logo combination with my other site's logos: http://www.utvmarketplace.com and http://www.utvrally.com I'm thinking a triangular design of all three logos combined/connected together with a customer/consumer driven center...maybe even an animated utv overhanging the bottom logo or something to that effect in the center of the three logos. PM me, if you have some ideas...it would be another project on here I guess, or outside of here if it needed to be...not sure of the rules on here. chris (at) utvreport (dot) com