Thank you very much for the feedback. I'll be happy to submit a black and white version as well as some different fonts so you can see how those look. I'll do that this afternoon.
For the symbol, it's a combination of things. The movement is upward, to suggest upload. The lines represent measurement, and the two larger lines tie it all together and move it upward and focus at a point, which would represent the information being gathered..and the camera. I tried to make it smooth, clean and elegant.
These ones are some different fonts, as well as different sized symbol so you could see how that looks. I can mix and match any you might like, please just let me know.
#232 and #233 are different fonts.
#234 is a different font and smaller symbol
#235 is the original font with a smaller symbol
#236 is the original font, though bolder, with the smaller symbol
These are a couple of variations on #238 with the symbol smaller. The first one ( #259 ) has the symbol the same proportion as the lettering, the second has the symbol a little bigger ( #260 ). I can easily change the colors to the same as #172 if you'd like, or anything at all.
we like 267. can you do have the P strightened as the rest of the words. and under the writing Measurement By Webcam it is important the the writing is seen even on a business card. so maybe scalling the image bigger. pushing the upcload upward to have more space for a bigger font.
or if the writing is too small for a logo. try 267 with "measurement by webcam" under the logo and upcalod writing under it all. as in 263.
Here are 3 variations of black and white of the design for you to see. They are just variations on the darkness. #294 is the darkest #295 has "Measurement By Webcam" a little lighter #296 is lighter overall
I can do darker versions or anything else you might like.