Hi guys - here's an idea thrown out at you. I wanted to go with a strong, recognizable brand. Something that will jump off the shelf. I will upload one with and without sunglasses & without the chef's hat soon if you want. Let me know what you think about these.
Thanks for the designs, Fatkid. Very unique. #33 with the sunglasses is our favorite so far. Can you experiment with some different fonts and make the name read "Uncle Monkey's"?
Thanks for the ranking! It was a nice surprise seeing that. Here are some versions with different font types. Sorry about forgetting the "s" - I kind of jumped the gun a bit. Anyway… let me know what you think.
Very nice! Thank you for the changes and alternative fonts. Yes, #43 is our favorite of your designs. An idea for the lettering, could you make the "y" in Uncle Monkey's come down like a monkey's tail and use it to underline or otherwise direct attention to the "shake the monkey" slogan? Also, could we ask you to do an alternative monkey? We like your style very much (especially how you blended human and monkey features so effectively), but are divided over the size of his mouth. Maybe something slightly less exaggerated? Thanks again for your work!
Thanks again for the feedback. I drew this one up making him look a little more "confident"… maybe cocky. I really like the idea with the tail. It kind of fills up that hole under the wordmark.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be available Thursday night until Sunday night. I need to go down to Munich on business over the weekend. So, I'll have to do any changes that you may need when I get back on Sunday. I will have access to email and internet and will be able to respond to any comments you write here. Just so you know, the designer that is in first place is able to do any changes while in judging mode. Judging mode can go on for about a week maybe more. As you see, I drew up the monkey so that we can do a lot with him. Any ideas you have won't be a problem. So let me know what else you'd like to see and I'll get them done for you. Thanks for running such a fun contest. Dave
Thanks for the changes! In reference to #55 we would like to see the mascot with a grin or possibly a smirk making him a little more friendly. Also, we would like to see him back with a smile but, smaller. If possible, we would also love to see other interpretations of the mascot.
Not a problem - as I had mentioned above I won't be able to upload anything until Sunday. Not a problem doing other interpretations either. I will do some sketches and gather some ideas until then.
By the way… what did you think of the "y-tail"? Is that okay for you?
Hi Dave, we're not sure about the "y-tail." We also like how it fills the space, but we miss the clean lettering. Let's leave it off for now. We look forward to your alternative interpretations. Good luck on your business trip. Take care, Wade
Hi Dave, thanks for your latest interpretations. Your first designs are still our favorite. In entry #43 you really struck a nice balance between the human and monkey features and we really like his big smile with teeth showing. Without losing that balance, is it possible to make his features slightly less exaggerated, perhaps by making his jaw a tiny amount smaller? Only slightly. Like you said about the design in an earlier comment, it is a strong, recognizable brand and we don't want to lose that. Perhaps it might be as simple as putting a larger nose (similar to your last design) to make the mouth appear smaller. Also, could we see a version of #43 with eyeglasses and tapered lettering. Thanks again for your time and responsiveness.
Hi Wade, here's another version of #43 with the glasses like you had asked for. I wasn't sure what you meant by "tapered lettering" - I even googled it! Maybe I've been out of the U.S. too long ;-) Anyway - if it isn't the lettering like I had uploaded here, let me know which one you were referring to and I'll do that.
Oh… and I know that this one doesn't have the smaller mouth/bigger nose changes yet. I'm drawing that now and will upload it soon.
Hi Dave, sorry to hear about the game. As far as Uncle Monkey's is concerned the German's are still ranked #1. We've gone back to your original mascot design with eyeglasses as our favorite. Since the logo will predominately appear on narrow bottles of spice (5 cm across) the challenge is in making it all visible from the front. Could you experiment with some new layouts, placing the word "uncle" above the word "monkey's?" We really like how the mascot leans over the word so please continue doing that. Also could you put "shake the monkey" in parenthesis?
Hi Wade - here are the new vertical versions for you. I wanted to keep everything as big as possible considering the label size. If I placed the monkey on top of "uncle" it would have been too small and probably wouldn't have been too recognizable. Let me know what you think.