UltraJunkie.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / UltraJunkie.com

UltraJunkie.com has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 147 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Where running meets life
What We Do
The true definition of a Ultra Marathoner is: An ultramarathon, also called ultra distance or ultra running, is any footrace longer than the traditional marathon length of 26.2 miles.

We are targeting the average ultra runner, (not necessarily the elite runners) who has a husband/wife, children and a career. Ultra running has become a passion for these people and they find time with family, career and other responsibilities to train and run races which could in many cases last over 24 hours. Common ultra races are: 50K 100K, 50 miler and 100 miles+.

For an ultra runner, (junkie) there is a focus on shoes, shorts, shirts, hats, GPS watches, socks, MP3 players, hydration packs, (vest and/or water bottles), goo's, nutrition, supplements and any other running product that could help finish a race.
Color Preferences
We're open to other ideas...

Red Passion Anger Love Battle
Orange Creativity Unique Energy
Black Luxury Secrecy Fear
Green Fertility Wealth Healing
Blue Knowledge Trustworthy Calm
Our Ideas & Additional Information
What we are looking for is a logo that has an ultra runner with an edge to it. We would like to see the runner potentially wearing some running gear i.e shoes, socks, shorts, shirt, watch, hat with a hydration vest and/or bottle. Ideally the runner would look a little crazy, out of his mind with an edge to him. We would also like to potentially either see a trail/mountain background or the runner heading into a steep mountain climb with a trail head while wearing all of his gear. This is a logo we would potentially like to have on apparel. It needs to have an edge and look awesome!
Style Inspiration
Contest Attachments
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.
 Inspiration only
The client does not own the copyright to this file and it is for reference only.
Any logo elements must be significantly different.


Order by
Entry Number
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Prefers others.  
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To all designers...for our logo would really like to see a runner as the main centerpiece wearing running gear while looking like a crazy person, (in a fun edgy sort of way). Running ultra's is looked at as being a little crazy so we would like to capture that in the logo. We want this logo to have some edge to it.
3 years ago
Logo Designer
To all designers: CH had troubles with posting reference picture. Here is the link to the logo style he likes:
3 years ago
Thank you to everybody that created logos! They look awesome and we are looking forward to picking one for our journey! I have several pictures I want to upload for you to see but I can seem to find an upload option. Does anyone have any suggestions?
3 years ago
Ok, I uploaded 10 images...these are just to give you an idea of the neutrality of the runner. Remember, ultra running is dirty, messy, intense, fun, mind numbing, difficult, draining, crazy, insane, rewarding, awesome and all of the above. Most ultra runners are strong both mentally and physically. But at 20 hours in a race things can change. I love the kind of badge of honor to that zombie image on the clothing of the woman in image "badge of honor." Anybody can wear that with strange pride. Please be creative and think about what an ultra runner goes through both in a race and in training. It's a lot of work and sacrifice. We all have families, careers and responsibilities. We want this logo to reflect that and have any runner be proud to wear the logo. Please continue to ask questions as we move through the process. We really appreciate the work all of you have put in and will do moving forward.
3 years ago
Thank you again to all designers. We are starting a new week and we also received an extension. So this will be a big week in finding the right logo. As you revise some of these logos please keep a few things in mind:

1. We want to appeal to BOTH male and female runners. SO lets try and make the runner neutral. We are absolutely open to your interpretation.

2. We want the logo to have an edge to it. Again, use your own interpretation.

3. Ultra running is dirty, yucky, difficult, mind numbing, painful, miserable, fun, and will bring most runners to the brink of quitting

4. We want a logo that will POP on apparel

5. The runner needs to represent who we are, and neutral. Keep in mind why we named it "Ultra Junkie"...think about what a junkie is, now think of a runner the same way. We are running junkies from the sport to the gear and to the nutrition. It's a mental game as much as a physical game.

Hope that helps!
3 years ago
Also, one last point...it doesn't have to be "cartoonish," I just thought it might be easier to make the runner more neutral if it was. But we are open...just please capture the "junkie" part of the runner. As I've mentioned, this will be a badge of honor to wear for both men and women.
3 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Please note a water bottle is mentioned in the brief version 1 and is open to all.
3 years ago
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