Entry #89. Very nice effort. Would like the upper left side of the T thicker so it makes the T more pronounced/noticeable. Right now it looks more like an R with wings/feathers attached. Also, please replace red with a darker shade of silver/grey than the silver/grey already in use: you can keep the silver/grey that is already there as an accent, but replace the red with a shade of silver/grey that works with the rest of the logo. Thank you! - Jim
Entry #90. Very innovative design. I can't put my finger on why, but it just seems too "busy": my eye is drawn to all the elements more simultaneously than just initially focusing on the TR. Can't be of much help on a recommendation for this one. Thank you. - Jim.
Entry #91. Very, very nice. If there is some way to add the rounded silver edging element (perhaps either darker or lighter) to give it the rounded look similar to the silver "outline" detail in #89 that would be great! Thanks so much. Best, Jim.
Entry #142. I like the lettering but not the emblem theme (i.e. inside a circle). Please see next note.
Entry #148. Once again, I like the lettering but the rest of it is much too busy for our style. I would focus more on using the letters and the word "group". Glad to see you are back in the contest.