I've left some feedback for you in you general comments section. I'm still getting used to finding my way around here so I hope you can find the comments. Let me know if you have questions.
RE #27. I like the design of the lettering. The football though just seems so big and out of place. I can't quite put my finger on where the football would look best, but my eye goes immediately to it and not to the name of the blog which is where I'd like one's eye to go.
I dont like the T connecting with the line underneath or the lowercase letters (#29) . Also, there is a typo in many of the designs "THRAIN-A THROUGHT" Can you revise accordingly?
#28 is nice, but again, the football looks out of place. Maybe it needs to be smaller and on an angle?
General comments: The color palette I’m looking for is as follows: Blue: Pantone 19-3864 TCX [RGB value 34, 60, 118] Red: Pantone 19-1763 TCX [RGB value 189, 22, 44] Gray: Pantone 15-4305 [RGB value 152, 160, 165]
#56: Graphics are a bit overfill with the star on top of the helmet. Also, while I see where you’re trying to go with the football and the T inside of it, I think it needs a bit more pop as on a quick glance, it doesn’t look quite like a football. in addition, the red football runs into the red background of the tagline and it just isn’t popping.
#55: Same comments. I don’t think we need the star.
#54 & #53: Not wild about how the T cuts into the football – it looks like there’s an extra red line at the top.
#52: The blue helmet is getting lost in the blue field. Also the two helmet design is one that is done often in this business, so I’m looking for something a bit more unique.
#74: I really like this one. It looks almost 3-D like thanks to the background gradient. I also like how you made the runner look more 3-D with the background shadows.
#76: On an initial glance, this seems like the red is overpowering the logo. However, let me continue to study it (Maybe try a version where the runner is outlined in white?) I do like how the name of the blog pops out though. Can the tagline be a little larger or bolder?
#75 I like this concept too for its clean-looking appearance.
#73: Again, I like the background, though I think the runner being in red blend in with the first name of the blog.
#86 I like how the letters of the name of the blog are starting to bulge out a bit at the top. The football graphic though just sometimes looks like a big splotch.
RE #74. The T and R in TRAIN aren't popping as much as the rest of it. I am leaning toward this concept. I am wondering if perhaps you can seaprate the runner like you did in concept #107, but still keeping the text in the box the way you have it in #74?