Hi Jet, #157 does not work, the colors of #154 are much better.
It is just a challenge now to harmonize
#112 and #154, because lighting and shadow line/light effects are differently now. #157 has a straight horizontal line while
#112 has a curved one.
Either you adjust
#112 in the way like #154 has been done or you do it the opposite around and adjust #154 in the way,
#112 has been prepared.
In any event the lighting in the bubbles of #154 needs to be corrected. In the lower bubbles the light does not consequently come from the top. And, as mentioned before, in #154 there are some minor "transition" areas in the bubbles of the "element" figure which are quite sharp/hard. It does not look really like a 3D round bubble with lighting (compared to
#112, where the 3D effect and the lighting looks perfect).
Do you think you can solve it in a way, that the black on white proposal and the gold on black one look similar?
Best regards Werner