We ranked high #45 because it's very different and original. Nice touch on the K. This logo is not as serious as we would like it, but that's also what caught our attention, it's fun. Great work on taking your first entry #26 in this contest and making it better. We like the mix of the sword and the bull, very clever.
Also we are not too sure about that red/purple color. We prefer either blue, red or true purple, but not in between.
Please feel free to go in a complete new direction (different font, logo on the left, etc...), you seem to be very creative and we like that a lot!
Totally different direction ... #106 is very cool and simple. Please remove the mirror effect on future entries and provide a version of #106 without that mirror effect. You are ranked at the top with this one for now. Again great work on submitting very different entries.
DirtyLips you very likely be in the Top 5 phase because you submitted more than one strong logo and they were completely different. We like the new design on #207 and we absolutely prefer the deep red (not the blue or grey). You are very versatile and thank you for submitting more ideas.
We are very torn between the very dramatic/picasso looking #207 and the very professional/simple #127. Although we love the artistic side of #207 it might be too strong for our logo and our customers. Feel free to submit again something completely different, if not we will most likely lean more towards #127 but it might not win the contest.
We believe that you are super talented and creative and that's why we hope that in the Top 5 you can blow our minds again with new entries.
We do like the idea of the horn streching across more than 2 letters. We are assuming that to stretch across more letters you needed a different font, but we don't really like the font used in #291.