Hi!!! I make the changes you asked me for, and I´m working in the magnifying-glass, please continue making me feedbacks in what you want or need, that will help me a lot.
Hi athayse, I´m happy you like my work, but in this site some people copy the ideas, and it becomes a little upset to the designers that work at the beginning of the concept... we feel stolen. If you´re agree please send me the feedbacks and changes in private messages... I want to give my best in this.
There´s 3 change proposes in color, the "M" now is an "m", and yes, the red color is used sometimes in prevent signs, but in this case is complemented with other colors, in that case it lose the prevent use and turns into a primary color almost we used in gradient, dark red to light red, that help it don´t have a heavy impact to the view.
I see you still like the color combination of entry #27 I work a little more on it, making little the handle of the magnifying-glass, it makes to appreciate more the Wisconsin map, I change the letters of the slogan to give movement to the logo, hope you like it.
Entry #94 ICON: I read that some of the animals live in Wisconsin are the gray and red foxes, so I made an icon of the red fox and make him watch to Greenbay.
Entry #95 SIMPLE: I take out the map and play just with the text and the magnifying-glass, this one making a zoom on the text.
Entry #96 TOON: I draw a toon of the basset hound, this kind of dog are used to hunt, his job are SEEK and FOUND the prey for the hunter... at last toodoogle.com will be used to seek and found things to do in Wisconsin.
I really like your ideas! Can you please try a person instead of a bassett hound? The person could look like a tourist looking toward Northeast Wisconsin (upper right corner of map). I like the new font that you used in #74, #76 and #95.
Also, can you please try this on one or two of your logos?
1) Change my slogan to "The site to search for things todo"
2) Change my slogan to "The site to search for things todo in NE Wisconsin"
#109: I really, really like the tourist idea!! I also really like most of the rest of your designs!! It is going to really hard to choose the one I like the best.
Try the tourist idea again. This time move the map over to the center just like #100. Also, make the slogan say "The site to search for things todo in NE Wisconsin". Please fix the "NE" in "NE Wisconsin" so that the "N" and the "E" do not touch each other. It will be easier to read that way. Also, make the "TooDoogle.com" exactly the same as #100 with the same colors and font and "googly" eyes. I really the "googly" eyes. This will match the "googly" eyes of the tourist also. Also, you might want to try a pretty female tourist with pretty "googly" eyes.
I know this is a lot to ask, but I really, really like your work and want to make my logo PERFECT.
Hi Arlen, I´ll work on a female tourist, also I want you to have the perfect logo, thats why I´m working on it since the beginning, changing to found what you like and what you need, providing with new ideas.
The work doing here was really hard but I think we can finally found the perfect one, doing what we were doing, working together...
#116 and #119: I like the map in the middle a lot better. I think I like the man tourist better than the woman.
Do you know what a "Park Ranger" looks like? It is person who wears a park ranger hat. You can find a photo of a park ranger at www.google.com/images. I would like you to try a male and female park ranger please.
Am I asking for too much? If so, just tell me and I won't ask for anymore.
yeahhh!!! exploit all internet potential, with a lot of colors, make it fun of toodoogle.com users, don´t believe people say that this works only for children, toons are attractive to all people, even without toons this logo have personality itself.
I can give you boy child and boy girl logos tomorrow afternoon, and yes I can give the other logos in .eps and .jpg, no problem with that it was done for your proyect and would be nice watch it on your site.